Student Resources

  • It is never too early to learn about and get hands-on experience with research tools! Learning the proper way to use research tools saves time, exposes users to a variety of knowledge, and sets the foundation for college preparedness.

  • Student Helpful Links

    Khan Academy Youtube

    Students practice at their own pace, first filling in gaps in their understanding and then accelerating their learning.

    Just Math Tutorials

    The intent of this website is to provide clear and thorough explanations, and to present them in an environment in which the student is comfortable. Think about learning math in the same way you would learn to play piano or learn another language: it takes time, patience, and LOTS of practice.

    Grammar Girl

    Mignon Fogarty is the founder of the Quick and Dirty Tips network and creator of Grammar Girl, which has been named one of Writer's Digest's 101 best websites for writers multiple times. She is also an inductee in the Podcasting Hall of Fame.


    Grammarly is an application available on desktop and as a Chrome extension that offers grammatical and editing suggestions from essays to emails.

    Research Tools

    Purdue OWL

    Purdue Online Writing Lab is a thorough and inclusive resource for all writing needs including tips for formatting, organizing, English as a second language, avoiding plagiarism, etc.

    Purdue OWL MLA Format

    The Modern Language Association (MLA) format is most commonly used in Wake County schools to cite resources. It is also a staple format in higher education.

    Purdue OWL APA Format

    The American Psychological Association (APA) format is geared towards research papers and STEM writing. It is also a staple format in higher education.

    NC Wise OWL

    NC Wise Online Writing Lab contains database resources from elementary school students through high school as well as reference resources.


    Explora is a database for high school and college students as well as educators with a wide array of journals, ebooks, magazines, and more.

    Britannica for High School

    Britannica is a great source for primary and secondary sources and encyclopedia articles.

    NCSU Citation Builder

    After finding the information for your citation, the NCSU Citation Builder pieces together the information in your choice of format.

    EWHS Destiny Homepage

    East Wake uses Destiny, the interface used to search for electronic and print resources in our collection.

    Library of Congress

    Library of Congress offers research materials in digital collections, copyright guidelines, workshops, and the latest news. This is a good starting point in the research process for students to investigate their topic.

    Smithsonian Open Access

    A resource to find and use millions of Smithsonian's images. Great for primary sources.