Welcome to Kindergarten at Farmington Woods!
Register for Kindergarten in 2024-25- do this NOW if your student will be 5 years old on or before August 31, 2024!!!
Check it out! WCPSS Off to a Good Start in Kindergarten
We are so excited for you to join us as an IB learner in the 2024-2025 school year!
Learn more about our school and our IB/PYP Magnet Program Here:
Information will continue to be added throughout the summer!Summer Resources for Families and Students
Summer Program at Kirk of Kildaire- Free for ages 3-18! Text to Register- see linked flyer for details!
Local Food Pantry Summer Supports for Families- check out the many locations where meals and food are available for families in the summer months
Summer Gardening at Farmington Woods- come join in to help us donate back to our community! (links coming soon)
Getting Ready for Kindergarten 2024-25
Marbles Museum Kick Off to Kindergarten Event- sold out for August 17 event:(
FWES School Supply List 2024-25
Kindergarten Orientation Slide Deck 5-31-2024
Kindergarten Staggered Entry Schedule- by last name
Register as a WCPSS Volunteer (must be an approved volunteer to participate during school day in school or with PTA, register early to avoid delay)
August 16, 2024- Countdown to Kindergarten- 1 week to go!
Don’t forget to Follow our Official Facebook Page!
Join FWES Families and new friends on Thursday, August 22nd from 4:30-6:30pm on the playground for a picnic
Food trucks available to purchase dinner or dessert, or bring your own
Bring your own blanket or chairs
Welcome to the FWES community!
Open House- Friday, August 23rd 4:00-6:00pm
Although Teachers will not be assigned to Kindergarten students until after staggered entry, Kindergarten families will visit each kindergarten classroom and teacher to complete Open House Stations to help prepare for your child’s staggered entry day. Please plan to attend the Event!
Open House Kindergarten Stations- review to know what you will be doing in the kindergarten classrooms
Kindergarten Orientation Slides for Families 2024-25
FWES Open House Checklist Document- ESP- review the activities that can be completed at Open House in other areas of the building while you visit! You will get a copy of the card when you arrive to help you navigate all of the opportunities. To be able to complete all of the activities, please plan to stay on campus for 30-45 minutes.
Please monitor your time in each kinder classroom to make sure you have time for all activities before 6:00pm:)
Check your Staggered Entry Date for next week- Kinders only come one day the first week of school:)
Parents are encouraged to walk in with kindergartners on their staggered entry date:)
Bring a backpack with:
Lunch box/Lunch money ($3.25) and a snack are needed
Change of clothes
**DO NOT send school supplies from the list on the Staggered Entry Day (bring them on September 1st when students are assigned to a teacher)
Make sure you have let the Kindergarten Team know (at Open House) how your child will be going home on their staggered entry day.
Transportation Information
Kindergarten Meet the Teacher- Tuesday, September 3, 2024
12:45pm Rosters Posted on Front Windows
1:00-2:00pm Doors Open to go to classrooms to Meet the Teacher
First Day of School for ALL Kindergartners is Wednesday, September 4th!
August 12, 2024- Countdown to Kindergarten- 2 weeks to go!
Join FWES Families and new friends on Thursday, August 22nd from 4:30-6:30pm
Food trucks available to purchase dinner or dessert, or bring your own
Bring your own blanket or chairs
Welcome to the FWES community!
Open House- Friday, August 23rd 4:00-6:00pm
Although Teachers will not be assigned to Kindergarten students until after staggered entry, Kindergarten families will visit each kindergarten classroom and teacher to complete Open House Stations to help prepare for your child’s staggered entry day. Please plan to attend the Event!
Open House Kindergarten Stations- review to know what you will be doing in the kindergarten classrooms
Kindergarten Orientation Slides for Families 2024-25
In the school there will be many other starting the year activities to complete, too:
Get a Carpool Tag (or Pre-Register before Monday, August 19th at 9:00am to have it ready at Open House for pick up) if you will be picking up in the PM at ANY POINT in the year (Tag not needed for AM drop off)
Ask questions about Bus Routes
Put $ on a lunch account
Join the PTA and get Spiritwear
Please monitor your time in each kinder classroom to make sure you have time for all activities before 6:00pm:)
Check your Staggered Entry Date for next week- Kinders only come one day the first week of school:)
Parents are encouraged to walk in with kindergartners on their staggered entry date:)
Bring a backpack with:
Lunch box/Lunch money ($3.25) and a snack are needed
Change of clothes
**DO NOT send school supplies from the list on the Staggered Entry Day (bring them on September 1st when students are assigned to a teacher)
Make sure you have let the Kindergarten Team know (at Open House) how your child will be going home on their staggered entry day.
Transportation Information
Kindergarten Meet the Teacher- Tuesday, September 3, 2024
12:45pm Rosters Posted on Front Windows
1:00-2:00pm Doors Open to go to classrooms to Meet the Teacher
First Day of School for ALL Kindergartners is Wednesday, September 4th!
Wednesday, September 4th at 9:20am after Drop Off
Hosted by our School Counselors and FWES PTA
Getting Ready for Kindergarten and School Rules and Procedures
One of the biggest transitions for our kindergarten students is adjusting to a classroom with many more students than preschool or at home. There is a need to wait your turn, walk in a line, follow directions from adults, sit in an assigned seat, listen, transition between activities (even if it does not get finished), follow a schedule and many more. While our teachers are skilled and making these things happen with a classroom full of kindergartners, you can begin to assist your child with this transition at home.
The information below will help your family consider rules and behavior expectations and how you can create similar structures at home to make your family function at its best- like we will do at school to make sure learning functions for every student at its best.
Teaching Behavior Expectations- English and Spanish
August 5, 2024- Countdown to Kindergarten- 3 weeks to go!
Much more information about FWES is available in the Family Welcome Back Message being sent today, too- be sure to check it out!
Countdown to Kindergarten- 3 weeks to go!
Although there will be no Kindergarten Rosters posted on Thursday, August 22nd, all Kindergarten families are invited to attend the FWES PTA Back to School Picnic on Thursday, August 22nd from 4:30-6:30pm on the FWES Playground.
FWES Open House for Kindergarten is 4:00-6:00pm on Friday, August 23rd!
Section #5 Cognitive Development
Public School kindergarten is an academic based program with developmentally appropriate learning practices to support success of our young learners. There will be reading, writing, “spelling”, math, Science and Social Studies each day. As you review the Cognitive Development document and activities linked above- also take a look at the Learning Standards comparison document below to see the changes from a Pre K program standards to the expectations in Kindergarten. You'll see that academic development will be a priority throughout the day, based in engaging experiences designed to support learning. You are in for a treat to watch your child learn and grow this year as an IB Learner!
PreK to Kindergarten Standards Comparison
Week #5 at Home Activities:
Check out the FWES Website homepage pictures with your student. Ask questions and decide which things they look forward to doing when they come to school.
- Take our Virtual Tour, too, with your kindergartner
Celebrate what your child can “read” already with the Developmental Print Matching Game Matching Cards
Read a book aloud nightly
July 30, 2024- Countdown to Kindergarten- 4 weeks to go!
Countdown to Kindergarten- 4 weeks to go!
Establishing Routines- time to get started!
All students, but especially kindergartners, thrive on routine and procedures. It provides them with comfort and stability throughout their day. The transition to Elementary School is a big one for a 5 year old and having routines ALREADY established at home for morning and bedtime routines will allow your child to be equipped to focus their energy on the school transition. Please review the documents linked below filled with information and ideas on how to establish morning and bedtime routines. You’ve got four weeks+ to develop and practice them before school starts so get ready!
Some general reminders:
Leave early enough from home for the bus stop or carpool that a student is not rushed or late
Pack backpacks the night before
Decide on what to wear (or two options to wear) the night before
Make time for a calm breakfast and talk about the things that your child has shared that they like at school (playground, friends, centers, etc.).
A regular, enforced bedtime will help your child’s body adjust to the school routine
Always read a book before bed! Even the same book over and over will provide that structure to help your child go to sleep faster:)
Use calming music or other calming activities to help your child transition into sleep time (research says no screens/TV for 30-60 minutes prior to going to bed will support falling asleep faster)
PM - Backpack Connection Bedtime Routines Espanol
AM- Backpack Connection Morning Routines Espanol
Helping Your Child with Transitions
Section #4 Language Development and Communication
Week #4 at Home Activities:
Read a book with your kindergartner and use the guide linked below before during and after reading to get them ready for reading in Kindergarten!
All About Me- complete page 1 with your kindergartner
Counting Practice 1-10! Select items in your home (silverware, socks, toys, goldfish crackers, baby carrots, etc.) and make various group sizes and have your child count them- make sure they touch each object as they count them. As a challenge, use index cards or cut paper to have numbers 1-10 on them- as they count the group, have them match the number to the group they just counted:) Have fun!
July 22, 2024- Countdown to Kindergarten- 5 weeks to go!
Countdown to Kindergarten- 5 weeks to go!
Eating Lunch at School- Review the WCPSS information about School Meals including menus to begin to consider what you will want your child to do for lunch in kindergarten. Students do not have to only have School Meals or only bring a lunch box but thinking ahead of time about what is best for your child is important.
Lunch Box and Cafeteria Notes:
- Students should be independent in using utensils and managing foods they have for lunch each day.
- Students should be able to open most packaging independently- summer is a great time to practice opening lunch containers (tupperware, ziploc bags, reusable bags, etc.), chip bags, yogurts, etc.
- Refrigeration or heating is not available for student lunches from home
WCPSS School Meal Menus* Note that as with many other things, supply issues can impact the published menus and there may be items that are not available on the scheduled day.
WCPSS School Meal Pricing and Accounts
Apply for Meal Assistance- Free and Reduced Price Meal Application- can take 10 days to 2 weeks to process. Apply early!
Eating Snack at School: All classrooms will provide students with an opportunity to eat a healthy snack during the day. If families are interested in their student having a snack, it should be sent to school daily with the student. Snack will not be provided to students by the school. Please review the Healthy Active Students guidelines regarding healthy snacks to send to school.
Only water is allowed in the classroom for drinking- please do not send juice.
Your child’s snack should be something they can manage independently while other activities are happening in the classroom. Instruction will not stop for snack time, but the teacher may read a story while students who have a snack eat it; students may be allowed to take their snack to a center while they work in a small group on a learning activity or other “working snack” models. Snacks should not require adult support and should not take more than 5 minutes to consume. One healthy item is typically plenty to fill the tummy for learning. Snacks are not required, it is a family decision to provide them.
Visitors at Lunch: Anytime beginning the week of September 23rd, families are invited to join your student for lunch in the cafeteria for special occasions (no treats or food to share with the class is allowed) or just for fun. It is important that you consider if your child is ready to see their family and lunch and that they understand the family members will be leaving and the student will be returning to the classroom. If your child struggles with separation anxiety, it may be best to wait a while longer before coming to lunch. Other details about visiting can be found in the FWES Family/Student Handbook 2024-25.
Section #3 Health and Physical Development
Week #3 at Home Activities:
- I Can Tasks for Home
- Visit the Public Library this week- Look for some Kindergarten Books to read at home
- Pizza Scissor Practice
July 16, 2024 Kindergarten Family Message- 6 Weeks to Go!
Countdown to Kindergarten at Farmington Woods- 6 weeks to go!
Registered Kindergarten Families will continue to get weekly communication to help support your student and your family's transition to kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year.
If you are a new family or missed a message, visit the Kindergarten Parent page on our website to see previous messages and activities sent.
Let’s Get Ready! - Office of Early Learning publication to support families
The guide has several sections to guide families, along with some sample activities for each section to do at home to help prepare your kindergartner’s skills for kindergarten.
Section #2- Emotional and Social Development
Carpool Process at Elementary Schools Video
(FWES will share our own school specific carpool video closer to the start of the school year.)
Week #2 At Home Activities:
July 8, 2024 Kindergarten Family Message
Hi Kindergarten Families!
Video Message from Mrs. Pierce, principal
We are busy getting things ready for the start of the 2024-25 school year and are excited to have your student and family joining us at FWES.
Each week until kindergarten begins, we will send you information that will assist you and your student in preparing for the transition to kindergarten. It will include information for parent review and activities to do with your child, too.
As we get closer to the start of the year, the weekly email will also contain some kindergarten specific school information…. And you’ll begin getting our whole school information sharing, too!
Your family should receive a mailing especially for kindergarten families with information about Staggered Entry dates, school supplies and other important starting school information, in the next day or two.
If you do not receive the mailing- please reach out to Mrs. Marcia Tracy-Dale (mtracy-dale@wcpss.net) to make sure we have your accurate home address on file.
Kindergarten July Mailer Packet 2024
Inside you will find:
- Kinder Staggered Entry Dates and Schedule
- School Calendar 24-25
- Kindergarten Supply Information
- Marbles Kinder Kick Off event
- Volunteer Registration Information ** Do it as soon as possible to avoid a wait in getting approval
The Parent Communication section of our website has a special section just for parents of kindergartners to support the transition to school. Additional resources will be added weekly and sent out via the school messenger system email and text.
Before School Care is linked to the YMCA who provide before school care AT Farmington Woods for students from 7:00am- 8:45am.
The YMCA also offers off site after school programming for students at Farmington Woods.
After School Care is run by FWES staff. Registration information will be added to the website in the next few weeks. The school based program typically has room for 75-90 students.
See you soon!
Countdown to Kindergarten Week- 7 weeks to go!
Transition to Kindergarten Video
Let’s Get Ready! - Office of Early Learning publication to support families
The guide has several sections to guide families; along with some sample activities for each section to do at home to help prepare your kindergartner’s skills for kindergarten
Section #1- Approaches to Play and Learning
At home student activities for this week: