Bus Rider Procedures 24-25
Bus Assignment
Bus routes and schedules are established at the central transportation office and then distributed to the individual schools: FWES Bus Routes.
Only students assigned to a bus route may be transported via school bus. Students are assigned based on the address used to register for school. Register for bus transportation here: https://www.wcpss.net/busrider
Any request for a bus change must be submitted in writing to central transportation office using their on-line Transportation Service Request Formhttps://www.wcpss.net/Page/179. Requests will be reviewed after 9/28/2023 (30 days after transportation begins service). Note: Bus drivers and school personnel cannot change a stop or route without authorization from central transportation.
Address changes and students newly enrolled in school require new registration for bus routes and this may cause a delay in a student being able to ride a bus. The WCPSS transportation office will process these requests as quickly as possible and FWES will administer Temporary Bus Tags when applicable.
Questions in reference to school bus service, routes, and stop assignments should be referred to the WCPSS Transportation Customer Services at 919-805-3030 or by visiting http://www.wcpss.net/Page/43.
Safety Guidelines
There are important safety guidelines in place for transporting students to/from school on school buses and transportation vehicles.
FWES Bus Procedures Video- new video to be added mid-August, 2025
For the most updated bus dismissal information, families should use Here Comes the Bus or monitor the Cary Transportation Updates page for dismissal information
AM Transportation Process
Bus Stop
Bus Stops Students should be at their assigned bus stop 7-10 minutes before anticipated bus arrival. Students and parents should be familiar with the bus route number identified in the bus assignment. The number on the school bus number is not the same as the bus route as actual buses assigned to routes are subject to change from day to day.
Parents are expected to also be present at the bus stop to monitor students for safety, however parents are prohibited from boarding WCPSS school buses.
The WCPSS Code of Conduct is the expectation at on school bus and at WCPSS bus stop locations.
Boarding and Riding to School:
Students are required to have bus tags to board buses. These will be distributed to students at school and attached to the backpack on first day; Drivers and School Staff will check these tags daily.
Students should wait for directions and signal from the driver before boarding bus and follow school staff directions for unloading of bus when arriving to schools.
Students are are required to sit in assigned seats on the school bus.
Students should stay seated during the duration of the bus ride and follow all bus safety expectations.
When bus arrives to school, students will remain seated until directed to get off bus by driver. At the time the students exit the bus, they will have bus tags checked by FWES staff and then be guided to front entrance (new arrival pattern for 2023).
Students will enter the school through the front door and then enter cafe if they are choosing to eat breakfast. Those not eating breakfast will proceed directly to their classrooms.
PM Transportation Process
Required bus tags on book bags:
Students are required to have bus tags each day for transportation home. Bus ID tags let the driver and school staff know student bus and stop assignments. PM dismissal will post the bus boarding on the classroom screen and students will be directed to pre-boarding location in order to check bus tags. Once this is completed, students will be directed to move to the bus loading and await direction from driver or school staff to board bus.
Buses load in the bus loop area of our campus near the cafeteria and large playground. Students should follow guidelines given to ensure the bus is loaded in an orderly manner. Students are asked to listen for important directions from the bus driver. Students will unload bus following the directions of the bus driver at the assigned bus stop.
In the afternoon, drivers will discharge pre-K, kindergarten, and first-grade students only when a responsible person is present to pick them up. If a parent or responsible person is not present when bus arrives, the K/1st grade child will be returned to the school or district office for pick up by the parent. Drop off times can vary, please be at your child’s stop early to avoid extending your child’s day by having them brought back to school or district office for parent pick up.
To plan pm arrival times, FWES families should use the App Here Comes the Bus to make sure K-1 students are met by an adult and monitor student arrival home. FWES also uses Twitter (posted on school website) to alert families of departure times- follow us @FWEStrans
WCPSS Here Comes the Bus App
This app gives you GPS real time data of the bus location- and therefore arrival information on when the bus will arrive at your assigned bus stop.
Get started with Here Comes the Bus at https://herecomesthebus.com/getting-started/. For your smartphone or tablet, download the Here Comes the Bus app from the App Store or Google Play and you will need:
WCPSS District Code: 67500
Student ID Number (you will need this to sign up for YOUR child’s bus route)
Safety Tips from WCPSS Transportation
Parents and children should memorize the bus run numbers and bus stop location. You will need these in the event of an emergency.
Parents- Be present at your child's bus stop to ensure your child arrives and departs safely.
If children need to cross the street to board the bus, teach them to wait until the bus stop arm is completely out, to look and listen to make sure all vehicles are stopped, and to cross in front of the bus
Bus Safety Expectations for Students
Students are required to follow the rules and regulations of riding a public school bus and are expected to Go for the GOLD at all times. The driver shall report to school administrators any misconduct on the bus or any violation of the driver’s instructions by way of bus incident form. Concerns regarding student conduct while riding buses servicing Farmington Woods IB/PYP students should be referred to school administrators at 919-460-3469. A principal may take action on any misconduct which occurs on a school bus or bus stop as if the violation had occurred on the school grounds. Students who cannot adhere to the student code of conduct are subject to school discipline procedures, including having their bus riding privileges suspended or revoked.
WCPSS Bus Student Code of Conduct Expectations
Keep your hands to yourself
Sit in your assigned seat
Use a quiet talking voice
Remain seated
Follow driver’s instructions
Arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to the stop time
Wait at the bus stop in an orderly manner in a safe location
Follow loading, crossing rules, and procedures
Do not bring inappropriate items on the bus or cab
No hitting and no fighting
Be totally silent at railroad crossings
Keep the bus or cab clean
All WCPSS students will comply with the Code of Student Conduct of the Wake County Public School System
Magnet/Express Routes
In most cases, students assigned to FWES IB/PYP as a magnet student are assigned to Express Transportation. This means that the assigned bus picks-up/drops-off at one of the schools near your home, not an assigned stop. Express Bus students at FWES are assigned to express stops at Cedar Fork Elementary, West Cary Middle or Salem Elementary Schools. These pictures show families where the drop-off/pick-up location is on these campuses.
West Cary MS-
Notes: The bus enters from Maynard Rd side bus loop & will pull down to the end of side near school main entrance. Parents enter from Evans Rd & parks in staff parking lot 1st left turn. PLEASE DO NOT ENTER FROM MAYNARD RD.
Bus at West Cary location
Cedar Fork Elementary-
Notes: Bus and Parents will enter from Town Hall Dr; Turn left towards bus loop(sign @ entrance) & 1st right turn to park into parking lot. The bus will park in bus loop door side to parking lot.
Bus at Cedar Fork location
Salem Elementary-
Notes: Parents & bus will enter from Old Jenks Rd. Parents will park in staff parking lot & bus will proceed around bus loop on the right and stop door side at grassy area to unload.
Bus at Salem Elementary
Important Phone Numbers and Websites for School Transportation Information
Cary Transportation - School Buses
Central Transportation Customer Service
Check on any Bus Delays- Cary Transportation Updates
All Cary Transportation Updates are posted daily for access
More information including requests for stop changes, routes, etc.