ACT Series (PreACT, ACT, WorkKeys)
General Information for Students
- What is the ACT?
- Why take the ACT? This handout provides students with a quick and easy resource that provides an overview of the test. This handout is produced by ACT.
- MyACT: This is a one-stop website where students can log in and utilize the different resources related to the ACT exam.
- One Page Explanations for Each Section of the Test: These resources have key information and test strategies for each section of the ACT.
Preparing for the Test
ACT Academy
The ACT Academy provides free, personalized resources for students in preparing for the exam. The ACT Learning Resources will provide students with basic information about what this service will provide. There are also items that can be accessed for a fee. Students with a fee waiver for the test can also access paid content on ACT Academy using their fee waiver.
Resources & Supports
- ACT Online Prep allows students to begin becoming comfortable with the format of the test
- Kaplan Free ACT Quiz: Four practice ACT questions that can be used to illustrate the format of the test.
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