• Magnet Middle Applicant Priorities


    (Specific to Moore Square)
    Guaranteed Priority

    Rising 6th-grade students receive guaranteed priority to join an older sibling assigned as a magnet student at the same school in 2024-25. After assigning students who receive sibling priority, 90% of the available seats will be filled using the following priorities order:

    Priority 2

    Current magnet students who follow their program pathway when changing school levels, i.e. elementary to middle. (A student who had magnet status in 5th grade at the elementary pathway school but has base status at pathway middle school will still qualify for Priority 2.)  Magnet students from Poe or Partnership Elementary, following their GT/AIG magnet program pathway (Magnet Program Pathways).

    Priority 3

    Current magnet students who seek to change their program pathway when changing school levels. Magnet students at any other magnet elementary, including those from other GT/AIG and GT elementary schools*.  *Please note: Magnet students at Hunter, Fuller, Powell, Underwood, Washington, Wiley, and Zebulon Elementary Schools have the highest priority to the TRADITIONAL CALENDAR GT MIDDLE SCHOOL FOR THEIR ADDRESS. That means, these families have the highest priority, after siblings, to Carnage, Ligon, Martin, or Zebulon Middle Schools. 

    Priority 4

    Base students at magnet schools who follow their program pathway.
    ​Only base students at Poe and Partnership have priority 4 to Moore Square. 


    Priority 5

    Student who is assigned to a next school designated as high socioeconomic status and who lives in an area designated as high socioeconomic status.

    Priority 6

    Student who is assigned to a next school designated as high socioeconomic status and who lives in an area designated as medium socioeconomic status.


    Priority 7

    Student who is assigned to a next school designated as medium socioeconomic status and who lives in an area designated as high socioeconomic status.


    Priority 8

    Student who is assigned to a next school designated as medium socioeconomic status and who lives in an area designated as medium socioeconomic status.


    Remaining Priorities:

    The remaining 10% of the available seats will be filled randomly from all remaining applications. 


    GT/AIG Application:

    For families to apply using the AIG Basics option, their student must be identified as AIG in at least one area. It will only show up on the magnet application as an option if your student has the AIG code in their info on PowerSchool. If your student does not have an AIG code - you won't see the AIG Basics option. Any student may apply using the GT option. A student who is identified as AIG may request Moore Square twice - once for AIG Basics and once for GT.