East Wake Student Services Team

  • Need to see your counselor? Click on your counselor's name to make an appointment. 

  • Mrs. Ewais photo


    Mrs. Dupree photo


    Mr. Bradshaw photo


    Mr. Hendricks


    Mrs. Bartley photo


    Mrs. Almanzar photo


    Mrs. Lynch photo







  • Rosanna Orozco-Ewais

    rorozcoewais@wcpss.net ext 23925

    Dean of Student Services

    • ¡Hablo español!
    • Foreign Exchange Student Liaison
    • BIMAS Team Member
    • Crisis Team Co-Chair
    • Summer Student Enrollment
    • ASCA Model Lead
    • Student Services Advisory Council Chair
    • Monthly Student Services Newsletter
    • Student Services WebPage



    Toni Dupree

    tdupree2@wcpss.net ext. 24180

    School Counselor (Alpha A-Co)

    • Lead 10th-grade counselor
    • Coordinates Parent Night
    • Academy of Life Sciences 
    • HOBY Coordinator
    • NC School of Science & Math 
    • Career Development Liaison
    • Social Media updates




    Geraldine Bradshaw

    gbradshaw@wcpss.net ext. 24195

    School Counselor (Alpha Cr-Ha)

    • Lead 12th-grade counselor
    • Coordinates Senior Parent Night 
    • Coordinates FAFSA Night 
    • Coordinates Senior Conferences 
    • Scholarship Coordinator





    Matthew Hendricks

    mhendricks@wcpss.net ext. 24199

    School Counselor (Alpha He-Me)

    • Lead 11th-grade counselor
    • Coordinates Junior Parent Night
    • Coordinates Junior Conferences
    • Coordinates the application process for Boys & Girls State
    • Leads Governor’s School application process
    • Coordinates the Junior Marshall





    Nefertari Bartley

    nbartley@wcpss.net ext. 24197

    School Counselor (Alpha Mi -R)

    • 9th-grade counselor 
    • Coordinates Freshman class Guidance Curriculum
    • Supports 9th Grade Orientation activities/programs
    • Coordinates freshman class Guidance Curriculum 






    Carmelina Almanzar

    calmanzar@wcpss.net ext. 24198

    School Counselor (Alpha S-Z)

    • College and Career Counselor
    • Scholarship Committee Co-Chair
    • Lead for College Admissions Visits  
    • Count Down to College
    • CDM Liaison




    Melanie Lynch

    mlynch3@wcpss.net ext. 24196

    SAP Counselor (Alpha A-Z)

    • McKinney-Vento Coordinator
    • 504 Coordinator
    • Crisis Team Co-Chair
    • Crisis Intervention Services/Suicide Screenings
    • BIMAS Team Member
    • Signs of Suicide & Human Trafficking Coordinator
    • Homebound Coordinator
    • Court Liaison




    Terwana Donaldson

    tdonaldson2@wcpss.net ext. 24226

    SAP Counselor -(Alpha A-Z)

    • Crisis Team Member
    • Attendance Team Leader
    • Due Diligence/Home Visits
    • Suicide Screenings
    • Concussion Protocol Liaison
    • Responsive Services
    • Middle School Watch List