Carpool Procedures
Carpool students should be dropped off between 8:45 and 9:05 in the designated area behind the school to ensure they are in class and seated by 9:15.
Our carpool ends promptly at 4:10 after which time parents are considered late for pick-up. We understand that at times delays do occur, however; after three late pick-ups, referrals will be made to administration as well as our social worker. If you are unable to pick your child(ren) up on time, we have an after school program at a cost of $114.58 per month. If you are eligible for bus transportation you could establish a bus stop. In the case of transfer students, you have agreed to provide transportation as part of the transfer agreement. Late pickup may result in a return to your base school so that bus transportation will be an option. We appreciate your promptness in picking your student(s) up from school.
At the end of the day, carpool students will be sent to the modular cafeteria for dismissal. Students who plan to ride home with a friend must bring a note from their parents. A student will go out to her/his car when her/his carpool number is called by the adults in the cafeteria. Parents need to register for a carpool number in the school office prior to picking up their children from carpool.) Parents may not pick up their students from the sidewalk or inside the building due to the safety and security of our students. We ask that parents remain patient and in their vehicles during carpool.
Students will not be dismissed from the office after 3:15 except in the case of an emergency. Every minute of every day counts and too many of our students are missing valuable classroom instruction at the end of the day.