• The Project Enlightenment Foundation:

    Project Enlightenment is supported by the Project Enlightenment Foundation. The Foundation's mission is to strengthen and expand the services of Project Enlightenment. Learn more about the significant initiatives that the Project Enlightenment Foundation does to assist Project Enlightenment in supporting young children and those that have or work with them.

    The Foundation offers:

    A podcast

    Project Palooza, an annual "friendraiser"

    The Peggy Hibbert Enlightenment Speaker Series

    How you can help:

    Help the Foundation support the important work of Project Enlightenment and make a positive impact on families and young children in Wake County.  Visit the "Donate Now" page to get started. Venmo, mobile wallets, and some Donor Advised Funds are now supported on our "Donate Now" page!

Project Enlightenment Foundation