What Are The Four C's?
Vision 2020 – the WCPSS strategic plan – focuses language around students acquiring and utilizing the four Cs: communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity. The four Cs are included in the district’s mission statement Here's how the 4C's breakdown:
- Listens, comprehends, critiques, and communicates effectively by adapting to diverse audiences, tasks, purposes, and disciplines
- Uses multiple media to demonstrate thinking and justify reasoning
Critical Thinking
- Identifies inquiry questions related to the task clearly and precisely
- Analyzes and evaluates information, evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs
- Synthesizes information and makes connections between information and arguments
- Works effectively in teams by sharing ideas, sharing responsibilities, and considering multiple perspectives in order to achieve goals
- Demonstrates innovative problem solving by designing unique ideas, solutions, and products, and adapting as necessary
- Takes intellectual risks, overcoming challenges and failures within the learning experience