• Welcome to WFMS Remote Learning

    All NEW instruction will be pre-recorded and stored for students to access (or re-access) at anytime. All Live learning sessions will be a way to re-engage and review the content previously presented and will NOT be recorded. If students are present in live instruction, recording will not occur.

    Teachers will offer Office Hours every day for students to ask specific questions or get help with their assignments. Individual teacher and class information is found on their websites. Students should access their websites by clicking on the Remote Daily Learning Schedule and clicking their grade level on the right- hand side of the screen.

    Grades and Attendance

    Attendance: Teachers will take attendance for all live virtual learning sessions. Do your best to log into your classes. You should NOT attend any class you are not enrolled in. Students please complete the attendance form under the Attendance Tab at the start of each week. 

    GradingGrading guidelines for middle school courses and high school courses offered at WFMS (Math I, Math II, and Spanish for HS Credit) are linked below.

    Please note feedback only is being provided for assignments during the 4th quarter and no grades will be uploaded in Powerschool. 

    Students in MS courses will receive a PC-19 or WC-19 based on their average as of March 13th along with any work completed during remote learning to improve their average.
    Students in high school courses (Math I, Math II, and Spanish for HS Credit) may obtain a numeric grade by submitting the form linked below.