
    Bridges’ Families-

    Thank you all for attending and engaging with us during our 2023 End of Year Ceremony. 

    As shared in our opening remarks, our program is about providing sutdents with the behavioral health and academic skills they need to be successful at school and in life. We are proud to share that our students gained approximately an entire quarter of learning and teaching time over the course of the 2022-2023 school year! Student engagement data indicates that students gained learning time EVERY quarter! Our schoolwide average growth score on a predictive measure of reading proficiency (mClass Composite score) was 114, which indicates "above average" growth. Our students used over 1,000 coping strategies this school year. We are supporting the transition of 14 students to a less restrictive setting. We applaud our community for these ROCKSTAR outcomes for our students and our community's children. We did this work TOGETHER, with YOU as our partners. 

    We are eternally grateful that you share your children with the Bridges community. 

    Wishing everyone a wonderful summer! 

    Take care, 
    Heather Boling, Director of Bridges Program