• Vance's Homework Policies

    Homework has been a topic of debate for as long as education has been around. At Vance Elementary we feel that homework can be a valuable practice that develops students' academic abilities and prepares them for their future. Homework should not cause stress and anxiety, but should serve in a way that support the classroom objectives. Therefore, we have refined our homework policies to help meet the needs of all of our students: 

    • Homework's purpose will be clear and it will help students master the standards they are currently focused on in the classroom. 
    • Homework will never be used as a punishment.
    • Students may be rewarded through PBIS for diligence with homework. 
    • Students' should work no more than their grade level multiplied by 10 minutes, nightly. (Ex: 5th grader = 50 minutes, 1st grader = 10 minutes)
    • Students should work on homework with minimal assistance. 
    • Homework will not be used for report card grades or work habit grades.