

    Student Transportation
    Temporary Change in Transportation 
    A Temporary Change in a child’s normal mode of transportation home should be reported to
    the child’s teacher by sending a note. If there is a change that arises during the day, please
    call the front office and we will announce the change at the end of the day. Phone calls to
    change transportation should be received before 3:00 PM.
    Bus Riders 
    Bus Riders will be dismissed from their classroom when their bus color is announced.
    Leaving the room to go outside and wait is not allowed. Students may only ride the bus they
    are assigned and may not ride a different bus to or from a friend’s home. Buses will park in the
    area at the back of the school for loading and unloading. Parents are encouraged to have their
    child ride the bus to reduce carpool traffic congestion. School transportation service is a
    privilege, not a right. Students shall observe the directives of the school bus driver at all
    times while riding a school bus or other school vehicle. All misconduct on the bus or disregard
    of the bus driver's instructions should be reported promptly to the principal or assistant
    principal. They may suspend a student’s privilege of riding the bus. Bus routes are assigned
    through the Transportation Department. You can follow our bus dismissal on Twitter in real
    time to see when your child’s bus is leaving school by following @VanceElementary.
    Car Riders 
    Car Riders will be dismissed to the cafeteria following afternoon announcements. Students
    will meet their transportation outside the cafeteria and be assisted into their cars. Students will
    not be allowed to go to their cars until it has arrived in the “pick up zone”. It is important to
    display carpool tags on your vehicle’s rear view mirror until you exit the “pick up zone”. If you
    do not have a 17-18 GREEN carpool tag you will be asked to park and come in to show
    your ID. Parents should remain in their cars and proceed cautiously in the carpool line and
    not walk up to the building to get their child. Children may not be checked out of school
    after 3:00 PM. This practice is in place for the protection of all Vance students. It is necessary
    that parents comply with this safety practice. Students not picked up at or before 4:05 PM will
    be directed to the office. A warning will be issued. Should this problem continue the WCPSS
    Security Investigator will be contacted to problem solve.


Re-think your journey to school....

  • Our main focus is getting kids to and from school SAFELY We know that life can get in the way of timing, but please remember to stay safe in your journey to and from school.