• Parent & Guardian Communication Protocol

    1. Teacher - If you would like to inquire about your child's assignments, grades, or classroom experiences, contact the teacher directly. Staff emails are found on our website or you may use Talking Points to contact a teacher.

    2. Counselor - Any matters not yet addressed after teacher communication, contact your child's counselor for specific academic or social-emotional concerns. 

      • 6th Grade - Renee Farrow
      • 7th Grade - Victoria Plyler
      • 8th Grade - Olivia Moore

    3. Assistant Principal - For school and district policy inquiries, please contact your child's specific assistant principal.
      • 6th Grade - Darrick King
      • 7th Grade - Brendan Fetters
      • 8th Grade - Wyndi Ervin

    4. Principal - Most concerns will be resolved by this point. However, if you still need to speak to someone about your situation, please contact the principal.
      • Principal - Tina Zarzecki