• MTSS, Multi-tiered Systems of Support, allows us to identify and address the needs of our students. By systematically collecting and analyzing data, we can support and challenge every child.  Consult the calendar, tasks, and overview below to learn more.



  • Before each quarter, analyze available data and identify the students for whom you will be providing research-based interventions.
  • Decide upon which skill you will focus on, and upon how you will analyze growth with this skill
  • At least four times per quarter, input the data you've collected in the MTSS Progress Monitoring spreadsheet, found under the MTSS folder in the shared drive.
  • Before the End of Quarter Review meeting (see calendar to the left), discuss your student growth with your team. You can use the following questions as a guide:
    • What strategies were used with your remediation groups during this quarter?
    • What data have you collected to monitor the progress of your students?
    • What does the data tell you about the progress of your math/reading remediation group?
    • What strategies do you plan to use for the following quarter?
    • Which students will be included in your math/reading remediation group?
  • Repeat for each quarter.
  • Overview

    MTSS Overview

    As you can see in the image above, your core instruction should be sufficient for the majority of students. We then identify students for whom this is not true, and move them onto Tier II where we add an extra layers of interventions to give them a chance to succeed. This is what we're doing with your remediation groups during Gear Up. This should then be sufficient for the majority of these Tier II students. As the year goes on, we then identify the select students for whom these interventions are still not enough to allow them to remain on grade level and move them to Tier III, which is individualized interventions. If these interventions are insufficient, then students are referred to Special Education so that they can receive the support they require. By following MTSS, we are able to provide each student with the interventions they need to be successful. 

    Send any MTSS questions or comments to the "DurantRdMs MTSS" email group.