Printer Support

  • Install a Printer Driver on your Windows 10 Laptop or Desktop

    1. You must be on campus.
    2. Click on the arrow in the task bar and select Click Here to Add Printers (see image below)
    3. If you have never added the extension, it will go through several pages after telling you it needs to add the extension.
    4. Follow those steps, including the popup that says "enable" extension.
    5. Go back to the previous tab (still open) to get the list of printers at KHSCD.
    6. In the left navigation bar, also called the tree view, navigate to the location of your printer.
    7. In the tree, click the printer you want to install.
    8. When the Confirm Installation window appears, click Set as default printer if you want the newly added printer to be the go-to printer on your computer.
    9. Click Yes.

    You will be notified when your new printer has been installed on your workstation.

    This picture shows the printer icon with a green plus sign.

    Help! I followed the directions, but I can't click on any of the printers!

    You'll need to refresh your printer configurations. It's easy to do!

    1. Right click on the Click to Add Printers icon.
    2. Click on Refresh Configurations.
    3. You should be able to click on printers to add them now. If not, restart your computer and try again.

    Right click on printer icon. Select Refresh Configurations.