7 - 1 Sharks
Mark Bounds
Science | wbounds@wcpss.net
Mobile College - Bachelor of Science - Secondary Education
Certification in Biology and Physical Education
Melissa Musick
Math | mmusick@wcpss.net
Southeastern University - Bachelor of Arts - Christian Education
Chris Shaw
Social Studies | cshaw4@wcpss.net
Team LeaderState University of New York College at Buffalo - Bachelor of Science - Social Studies Secondary Education
Social Studies Department Chair
Elise Tortora
Language Arts | etortora@wcpss.net
English Language Arts Department ChairUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Bachelor of Arts - English
North Carolina State University - Master of Arts -Teaching: Middle Grades Language Arts -
7 - 2 / 7 - 3 Polar Bears
Lauren Deviney
Social Studies | ldeviney@wcpss.net
Team LeaderUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Bachelor of Arts - Education with Certification in Math & Social Studies
Liz Marshak
Math | emarshak@wcpss.net
SUNY College of Onenota - Bachelor of Science - Adolescent Education & Mathematics
St. John's University - Master of Arts - Secondary Education
Nate Morris
Science | jnmorris@wcpss.net
Boys Basketball Coach
University of Miami - Atmospheric Science & Sports Administration, minor in Math
Taylor Stone
Language Arts | tstone@wcpss.net
University of North Carolina at Asheville - Bachelor of Fine Arts -
7 - 4 Dolphins
Elizabeth Chance
National Board Certified Teacher
Math | echance@wcpss.net
University of North Carolina at Wilmington - Bachelor of Arts - Middle Grades Education
Madeline Maingi
Language Arts | mmaingi@wcpss.net
University of North Carolina at Charlotte - Bachelor of Arts - English with a Minor in Secondary Education.
Caitlin McAveney
Science | cmcaveney@wcpss.net
Science Department Chair
Post University - Bachelor of Science - Finance
Drexel University - Master of Science - Education
Poul Prip
Social Studies | pprip@wcpss.net
Team LeaderUniversity of California Davis - Bachelor of Arts - Art Studio and History
Dallas Theological Seminary - Master of Theology
California State University Dominguez Hills - Master of Education