Academically or Intellectually Gifted Program
The Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) Program provides an appropriately challenging education for students who perform, or show potential for performing, at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment. Services for AIG students include a differentiated curriculum and instruction that extends and enriches the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.
Identified 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students receive differentiated curriculum and instruction in language arts and/or mathematics within the general education setting. Options may include cluster and flexible skills grouping, curriculum compacting, differentiated units, and co-teaching between the classroom and AIG teacher. The AIG teacher consults with the classroom teacher regarding differentiated curriculum and instruction and also facilitates a variety of small group learning experiences. AIG is taught during one elective class this school year.
Nomination & Testing Information
Nominations are now open and will continue to be open throughout the year for parents and teachers to nominate students for AIG testing. Parents may nominate their child for AIG testing by submitting a written nomination via email to Heidi Rutland, AIG teacher at hrutland@wcpss.net
Once a nomination is received, data is collected including EOG performance, teacher and parent observational checklists, benchmark scores, student work samples and student grades. This information is shared with our School Based Committee for Gifted Education (SBCGE) who makes the decision on whether or not to refer the student for evaluation. Both the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) and the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (IOWA) are group administered to those students who are referred for evaluation. The SBCGE reviews all test scores in conjunction with previously collected data and determines if (a) the student qualifies for services, (b) the student does not qualify for services or (c) additional individual testing is required to determine eligibility.
This process takes a semester to complete and students who qualify begin receiving services at the start of the next academic semester.
The nomination process can be somewhat complex. If you have any questions, please email hrutland@wcpss.net for clarification. You will see references to SBCGE. This stands for the School Based Committee for Gifted Education. There are several forms sent home during this process. Please return any requested forms promptly.
Step 1:
A parent/guardian or teacher makes a written request for their student(s) to be considered for referral for AIG testing. When possible please send these requests via email to hrutland@wcpss.net and include:
your name, your relationship to the student, your student’s name, grade level and id number. Step 2:
The AIG Teachers will collect formal and informal data indicators in preparation for the SBCGE meeting. Examples of these indicators include grades, EOG scores, work samples, teacher and parent checklists, and other available data.
Step 3:
The SBCGE considers all nominations.
The committee reviews all available student data and documentation based on formal and informal indicators. This information determines which of the nominated students will be referred.
If you are transferring from another school or from out of state where your student was already identified as AIG with documentation please email hrutland@wcpss.net. I will be happy to explain how the reciprocity process works for your student.
Step 4:
Once a nomination and it's accompanying data is considered the SBCGE can make one of the following decisions:
1. "Decision Not to Refer": This student will not be referred for additional evaluation and not recommended for AIG differentiation. The AIG identification process concludes at this point.
Parents will receive a Results of Nomination and Notice to Parents form
2. "Decision to Refer": This student will be referred for additional testing and more data is required to determine whether the student should be recommended for AIG differentiation.
Parents will receive a Prior Notice and Consent for Evaluation, Parent Checklist, and AIG Parent Guide
Step 5:
Students referred for additional evaluation will take the CogAT and Iowa tests.
Parent information about the CogAT and Iowa tests can be found by clicking on the links.
Once testing results return to schools the identification process continues.
Step 5a:
The SBCGE analyzes each student's CogAt and Iowa test results.
Some students may require additional evaluation to determine whether the student should be recommended for AIG differentiation. If the SBCGE requests another evaluation it will be administered prior to the SBCGE making a final decision.
Step 6:
The SBCGE convenes to make a final decision about AIG differentiation for a student. This meeting combines evaluation of factors including, but not limited to:
Informal indicators
CogAt and Iowa aptitude scores
EOG and EOC achievement scores
Work samples
LRMS AIG Home WCPSS Acceleration Practices Identification Talent Development, Parent and teacher checklists
These factors will be compared against WCPSS' AIG requirements and gateway flowchart to determine if the student meets criteria for AIG differentiation.
The SBCGE can make one of the following decisions:
"Recommended for AIG Differentiation": The student will begin service at the start of the next semester (Students identified in spring will start services in the following school year.)
Parents will receive a Prior Notice and Initial Consent for Services and a copy of their student's ISP "NOT Recommended for AIG Differentiation": The student will not receive AIG differentiation services
"Talent Development": Student is very close to meeting the AIG gateways and will be serviced to improve chances of identification. The goal is to move Talent Development students in the AIG program.
Parents will receive a copy of their student's ISP and an Evaluation Results Notice to Parents