• Clubs & Student Organizations

    Administrative Contact - Mr. Riddle (mriddle2@wcpss.net)

    Click here for a full list of active clubs and student organizations. Club and Activities Information

    Clubs and Student Organizations are a vital part of the high school experience. Willow Spring High School will offer a variety of student-initiated interest and service clubs in its first year! Our first student body will lead the way in forming clubs and being initiated into a number of Nationally-Recognized Honor Societies!

    There are four types of student organizations:

    • Honor Societies:  Honor Societies are organizations are aligned with a national organization that has set criteria for entry.  Each will have written information on the process and guidelines for requesting to join the organization. Examples include: National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society), and the National Art Honor Society. 

    • Service Organizations:  Service organizations are focused on gathering students to build leadership in our school and community through service.  These organizations are open to all students who wish to participate.  Continued participation in the service club may be contingent on meeting certian guidelines for participation. Examples of service organizations include Key Club & Interact.
    • Co-Curricular Organizations:  These are organizations that support continued learning in a particular content area (ex: History Club, French Club, etc.).  This would include CTSOs (Career & Technical Student Organizations).
    • Student-Initiated, Noncurriculum-Related Student Groups: This is where you'll find like-minded students on a variety of topics, the possibilities are endless! These groups are initiated by students and are permitted to meet on school grounds during non-instructional time. The role of the faculty advisor is solely to provide supervision for safety.


    Membership and participation in all student clubs and organizations is open to all students without regard to age, race, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or other protected classifications.