• Jo Ellen Newhouse photo  Ms. Jo Ellen Newhouse

    Jo Ellen Newhouse is a proud product of the Wake County Public Schools, having graduated from Enloe High.  She received her BA in English Education from UNC-CH, her M.Ed. in English from UMass-Boston, and her administrative licensure from Bridgewater State University.  Ms. Newhouse taught English at Cary High, Carroll Middle, Stoughton High (MA), and Leesville Road High.  She served as an assistant principal at Leesville Road High and Pine Hollow Middle before serving as principal of Heritage Middle School.  She is excited to return to the high school level. 

  • HHS Weekly Update 9-20-2024

    Posted by Jo Ellen Newhouse on 9/20/2024 4:40:00 PM

    Good afternoon, Husky Families!

    This coming week marks the interim period of the first quarter.  Be sure to monitor your student's grades and attendance progress in PowerSchool.  If you need access to PowerSchool, please go here for the application and next steps for access.


    Here are this week’s announcements:


    Counselor News:  Heritage High School is offering the SOS Signs of Suicide Prevention Program to all 9th grade students enrolled in Healthful Living and a refresher course to 12th graders in English during October.  If you do NOT want your student to participate, please notify their Healthful Living (9th) or English (12th) teacher by:   

                    9th Grade: Monday, Sept. 30                      12th Grade: Monday, Oct. 14

    If we don't hear from you, we will assume your child has permission to participate. For any questions, please contact your student's school counselor.

    Local College Fairs THIS WEEKEND:

    Saturday, September 21st: Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) College Fair at Broughton High School, 9am-3pm.  Register online here.

    Sunday, September 22nd: Wake County College Fair at NCSU’s McKimmon’s Center, 1pm-4pm.  Students are strongly encouraged to pre-register via Strive-Scan here.  Over 100 colleges and universities will be in attendance.


    Picture Makeup: If your 9th-11th grade student missed picture day last week, we will have make-ups/retakes on Wednesday, October 16th.

    PTSA Information - Heritage High School community we need your help!  Our PTSA Facebook page currently has only 400 members, many of whom are alumni. We need your help to spread the word and encourage more people to join! Please take a moment to share this post and help us grow. Stay updated on all the latest happenings and important information at Heritage High by joining and sharing our Facebook page.  At the last meeting, it was reported that we have only 27 one-year parent memberships, and we have 1,800 students! 🤦🏼‍♀️ Even if you don’t have time to attend meetings or volunteer, please consider joining the PTSA to support the parents who can.  Thank you for helping us grow our community!


    Please help us make our HHS staff feel hauntingly happy with treats for their meeting on October 7. Below is a list of items we need to ensure our teachers are celebrated and fueled for a productive meeting. All items should be received in the HHS office by the morning of 10/7 labeled for HHS PTSA. Sign Up Here.  No time to shop? Monetary donations are greatly appreciated! Donate here.

    Volunteers - Families and individuals who want to volunteer are encouraged to do so by Oct. 1. Review volunteer renewal details.

    Looking to support our students in a unique way? Check out our HHS Business Alliance Committee. Click HERE for more information and/or to become a member. For more information, contact Dawn Beaster, Career Development Coordinator at dbeaster@wcpss.net or 919.570.5600 ext. 20654

    Water Donation - We welcome donations of 8-packs of bottled water.  This water will be kept in classrooms for emergency purposes and will be easily carried to another site should we need to evacuate.   Students can bring a donation directly to the teacher of their choice.  Teachers will work to share the resources so that all classrooms are covered.  Thank you! 

    Senior Specific Information

    Access the September Scholarship bulletin here.  Many scholarships have early October deadlines!

    Counselors are continuing Senior Meetings for two more weeks.  Seniors are encouraged to bring their completed senior info sheet and updated resumes to their meetings.  100% of our seniors will receive individual planning time with their counselor to accomplish necessary tasks for post high school transition.  Seniors do not need to sign up for a meeting.  Counselors work with teachers to coordinate meeting time during class.

    Class of 2025 Parents:  Want to place an ad in the Yearbook for your Senior? Click here



    Jo Ellen Newhouse, Principal


    Comments (-1)
  • HHS Weekly Update 9-13-2024

    Posted by Jo Ellen Newhouse on 9/13/2024 4:20:00 PM

    Good afternoon, Husky Families!

    We want to partner with you to support your student’s success.  Be sure to check your student's grades and attendance in PowerSchool weekly.  If you need access to PowerSchool, please go here for the application and next steps for access.

    Here are this week’s announcements:

    Driver’s Education Classes for the fall semester are full.  Registration for spring semester classes will open in January 2025.  We will share the exact day and time registration opens as soon as it’s available in December.

    Orientation Sessions:  On Tuesday, September 10th, seniors, juniors, and sophomores had their grade level orientation with counselors and administration.  Important information regarding student success and student expectations was shared. 9th grade students had their orientation the previous week.

    PSAT Registration for the October 8th test ends on Tuesday, September 17th. Taking the PSAT is encouraged for 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students.  Those who participate gain access to My College Quickstart, Khan Academy for SAT prep, and more.  Juniors are encouraged to take the test for National Merit, National Achievement and National Hispanic Scholarship competitions.  By paying online here, students are registered.  Juniors with a weighted GPA of 4.375 test for free and have been contacted regarding next steps for their registration.  Fee waivers are available for juniors meeting eligibility criteria.  Students can get fee waivers from Student Services.  Due to CollegeBoard digital testing policies, registration ends September 17th. There are no extensions.

    September 20 is a Teacher Workday.  There is no school for students. 

    Upcoming Local College Fairs

    September 21st: Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) College Fair at Broughton High School, 9am-3pm.  Register online here.

    September 22nd: Wake County College Fair at NCSU’s McKimmon’s Center, 1pm-4pm.  Students are strongly encouraged to pre-register via Strive-Scan here.  Over 100 colleges and universities will be in attendance.

    September 28th: 9th Annual HBCU College Fair and college planning workshops at Cary Academy, 10am-2pm. Registration is not required for the fair, but is required for the workshops.  More information and registration here.

    Volunteers - Families and individuals who want to volunteer are encouraged to do so by Oct. 1. Review volunteer renewal details.

    Water Donation - We welcome donations of 8-packs of bottled water.  This water will be kept in classrooms for emergency purposes and will be easily carried to another site should we need to evacuate.   Students can bring a donation directly to the teacher of their choice.  Teachers will work to share the resources so that all classrooms are covered.  Thank you for your assistance. 

    9th Grade Specific Information

    Dr. Tate began meeting with ninth grade students in small groups this week during 2nd period.  These “Locker Chats” are a way for students to be introduced to their grade level counselor, talk about academic success in high school, and learn information regarding Heritage supports and resources.  These meetings will continue throughout September.

     Senior Specific Information

    Voter Registration for seniors that will be 18 by November 5th begins on Monday, September 16th.  More information can be found here.  Voter registration will take place during homeroom.

    Access the September Scholarship bulletin here.  Many scholarships have early October deadlines.

    Counselors are continuing Senior Meetings through the month of September.  Seniors are encouraged to bring their completed senior info sheet and updated resumes to their meetings.  100% of our seniors will receive individual planning time with their counselor to accomplish necessary tasks for post high school transition.  Seniors do not need to sign up for a meeting.  Counselors work with teachers to coordinate meeting time during class.

    Class of 2025 Parents:  Want to place an ad in the Yearbook for your Senior? Click here



    Jo Ellen Newhouse, Principal


    Comments (-1)
  • HHS Weekly Update

    Posted by Jo Ellen Newhouse on 9/6/2024 4:20:00 PM

    Good afternoon, Husky Families!

    Thank you to all who attended Open House.  We hope you found the event informative.  Please reach out to teachers or staff with questions as they arise throughout the year.  We are here to help.  Here are this week’s announcements:

    Driver’s Education Class sign ups will open on Tuesday, September 10th at 10am.  More information can be found here.

    Evacuation Follow Up:  School representatives, district officials, and outside agencies met this week to discuss protocol improvements in case we have future events that threaten school safety.  In order to help ensure student and staff safety, school protocols are subject to change based on the threat and need to remain confidential.  However, I can assure you that we are making improvements based on our experience and the feedback provided. 

    If you would like to help, we would welcome donations of 8-packs of bottled water.  This water will be kept in classrooms for emergency purposes and will be easily carried to another site should we need to evacuate.   Students can bring a donation directly to the teacher of their choice.  Teachers will work to share the resources so that all classrooms are covered.  Thank you for your assistance. 

    Orientation Sessions:  On Tuesday, September 10th, all seniors, juniors, and sophomores will have their grade level orientation with counselors and administration.  Important information regarding student success and student expectations will be shared. 9th grade students had their orientation last week.

    Picture Days  

    9th Grade:  September 13th 

    10th & 11th Grades:  September 11th  

    12th Grade: TBA

    PSAT Registration for the October 8th test is ongoing and is encouraged for 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students.  Those who participate gain access to My College Quickstart, Khan Academy for SAT prep, and more.  Juniors are encouraged to take the test for National Merit, National Achievement and National Hispanic Scholarship competitions.  By paying online here, students are registered.  Juniors with a weighted GPA of 4.375 test for free and have been contacted regarding next steps for their registration.  Fee waivers are available for juniors meeting eligibility criteria.  Students can get fee waivers from Student Services.  Due to CollegeBoard digital testing policies, registration ends September 17th. There are no extensions.

    Upcoming Local College Fairs

    September 21st: Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) College Fair at Broughton High School, 9am-3pm.  Register online here.

    September 22nd: Wake County College Fair at NCSU’s McKimmon’s Center, 1pm-4pm.  Students are strongly encouraged to pre-register via Strive-Scan here.  Over 100 colleges and universities will be in attendance.

    September 28th: 9th Annual HBCU College Fair and college planning workshops at Cary Academy, 10am-2pm. Registration is not required for the fair, but is required for the workshops.  More information and registration here.

    Volunteers - Families and individuals who want to volunteer are encouraged to do so by Oct. 1. Review volunteer renewal details.

    9th Grade Specific Information

    Dr. Tate will begin meeting with ninth grade students in small groups next week during 2nd period.  These “Locker Chats” are a way for students to be introduced to their grade level counselor, talk about academic success in high school, and learn information regarding Heritage supports and resources.

     Senior Specific Information

    If you missed Senior Night on August 22nd, view slides here.

    Access the September Scholarship bulletin here.  Many scholarships have early October deadlines.

    Tuesday, September 10th, seniors will participate in Senior Orientation during 2nd period.  Students will learn critical information about senior year success and action items for achieving post high school goals.  Students that are off campus for 2nd period are encouraged to attend (internship or college course), if they are able.

    Counselors have begun Senior Meetings.  They will last through the month of September.  Seniors are encouraged to bring their completed senior info sheet and updated resumes to their meetings.  100% of our seniors will receive individual planning time with their counselor to accomplish necessary tasks for post high school transition.  Seniors do not need to sign up for a meeting.  Counselors work with teachers to coordinate meeting time during class.


    Jo Ellen Newhouse, Principal

    Comments (-1)
  • Family Message 9/3/2024

    Posted by Jo Ellen Newhouse on 9/3/2024 4:00:00 PM

    Good afternoon, Heritage Families, 

    This Thursday, September 5th, is our Fall Semester Meet the Teacher Night.  This is your opportunity to meet face to face with your child’s teachers and learn more about the courses they are taking this semester.  Doors open at 5:45pm.  Families will report to homeroom at 6pm to receive their student’s schedule.  View schedule here

    Course correction requests have ended, and we are now focusing on getting students settled.  We invite you to aid your students in transitioning to the new semester by considering a success plan and how to balance their time well.  Partner with your student’s teachers and counselor as needed. 

    Families who need information about driver’s education can access this link:  Jordan Driving School

    Finally, I am in the process of meeting with district representatives and other agency officials who were present and part of the evacuation and dismissal decision-making process.  I will be advocating to improve logistics and support should we be put in such a situation in the future.  While none of us wants this to happen, we all want such an event to go more smoothly. Once that meeting has been completed, I anticipate being able to share more information with you.

    I look forward to seeing you at Open House on Thursday.   Weekly Messages to families will begin this Friday.




    Jo Ellen Newhouse


    Comments (-1)
  • Weekly Message

    Posted by Jo Ellen Newhouse on 8/20/2024 3:00:00 PM

    Hello Husky Families!


    Our course correction process begins tomorrow, Wednesday, August 21st.  Please review this link to learn how students request a course correction.  New this year: students must include their parent/guardian in the email request. 


    Attention Class of 2028 and all new to Heritage High School Students:  Remember, this Thursday, August 22nd is our Early Start Day/New Student Orientation, 7am-11:30am.  Meet your teachers, get a tour of the building, network with clubs and organizations, and so much more!  We will be running carpool for Early Start Day in the same manner we will during the school year.   Please drop off in the morning at the back of the building and pick up in the afternoon at the front entrance.   When dropping off in the morning pull as far forward as possible and have your child get out of the vehicle once it is stopped and quickly cross in front of your car.  Follow signs that are posted on Foundation Drive for carpool.  Use the link to assist with carpool.   Please be patient the first few days as everyone is getting used to the procedures.  Carpool Traffic Pattern


    We invite our new Heritage parents to New Parent Night on the 22nd at 5:30pm.


    Attention Class of 2025:  The Senior Page is updated!  Be sure to reference this site often throughout the year.  Remember, this Thursday, August 22nd is Senior Night at 6:30pm in the auditorium.  Those unable to attend can access the presentation on the Senior Page next week.  Seniors will also receive the information on Senior Orientation, September 10th.  Attendance on September 10th is critical.


    Students enrolled in Wake Tech Community College courses (CCP/Dual Enrollment) should email Ms. Weaver at lweaver2@wcpss.net the following information to get their Heritage HS schedule adjusted to allow for Wake Tech courses: a completed WCPSS Dual Enrollment form, a screenshot of their Wake Tech schedule, and which HHS course(s) they wish to drop.  Learn more about the CCP/Dual Enrollment process specific to Heritage High School here




    Jo Ellen Newhouse

    Comments (-1)
  • Weekly Message

    Posted by Virginia Honkomp on 8/2/2024 1:00:00 PM

    Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!

    For important dates and information, see the Heritage High School Opening Letter.

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  • 2024-2025 Parking and Lunch Passes

    Posted by Scott Lyons on 6/28/2024 8:50:00 AM

    Parking and Lunch Pass Paperwork for juniors and seniors will be accepted beginning July 10.  Additional information and paperwork will be available on our website and in the main office soon.  All paperwork must be completed and turned in prior to August 9th in order to pick up passes on the following dates:


    Senior Pick Up Date—Tuesday, August 13, 12:00-2:00

    Junior Pick Up Date—Thursday, August 15,  12:00-2:00

    Additional Pick Up Date—Thursday, August 22, 12:00-2:00

    Comments (-1)
  • Weekly Message

    Posted by Scott Lyons on 6/7/2024 2:10:00 PM

    Hello Huskies,


    This is our last regular weekly message for the year.  I wanted to take another quick moment to wish everyone the best.  It has been an extreme honor and privilege to serve the Heritage High School Community the past eight years.  I am going to miss you, but I will be sure to come visit and see our students participating in athletics and arts events.


    Congratulations to the Class of 2024!  They will graduate on Monday, June 10 at Noon.


    Monday is an asynchronous day to review for the Biology and Math 3 EOC as well as any exam that needs to be made up.  School will only be open until 9:30 that morning.  At 9:30 am, the building will close so that all staff can attend graduation. Access our final exam schedule on our homepage hereStudents who wish to be dismissed after exams on Tuesday must submit an early release form.  Keep in mind, if a student is dismissed, he/she must remain off campus and may not ride the bus home.


    All students who are taking exams should bring their WCPSS Chromebook and charger to school every day that he/she has an End-of-Course or CTE exam. The school doesn't have enough laptops to provide to students who may fail to bring their school issued one on exam day.  If students are taking a Math End-of-Course exam, they should bring their own graphing calculator, if they own one.


    Seniors and students NOT returning to a WCPSS school next year must turn in their Chromebook and its charger to the media center after they complete their last final exam.


    Report cards will be mailed home the week of June 17.  If your student did not pass core course(s), summer school information will be included in the mailing.  More information and applications can be found here and on the HHS homepage.  Applications are due June 25 to the HHS main office.  Summer School is July 8 – August 2.  Space is limited.


    Junior Specific Information


    North Carolina law requires all rising 12th graders to receive a meningococcal vaccine booster before starting 12th grade. Parents will need to provide a copy of their child’s immunization record showing proof that the meningococcal vaccine has been completed prior to the first day of school.  This is a 2-dose immunization; the 1st does was required in the 7th grade in Wake County schools.  This requirement is for everyone in the Class of 2021 and after.  Please send your immunization updates to Ms. O’Hara at kohara@wcpss.net or via fax at 919-670-4212 Attn: Ms. O’Hara.  More information can be found on the Wake Gov website here.


    Senior Specific Information


    I will be sending a special graduation reminder email tomorrow, so be on the lookout so everyone is ready for Monday.


    Graduation Day is just 72 hours away!  Review our graduation page here to find out all information about the graduation ceremony, including times to arrive and graduation attire expectations.


    Seniors with scholarship offers are asked to report them, whether they accept them or not, so that we may have an accurate accounting for the Class of 2024.  We know the Class of 2024 has earned much more than what’s been reported thus far.  Report scholarship earnings here.


    HHS Baccalaureate Service June 9, 2024 @ 2:00 pm

    Please join us as we celebrate the Heritage High School CLASS OF 2024!  The community will be honoring all seniors in a baccalaureate service.  All seniors, families and friends are welcome to attend. Seniors, please wear your cap and gown.  There will be a photo opportunity and light refreshments available after the service.  We look forward to this special time together!  The service will be held at Richland Creek Community Church, 3229 Burlington Mills Road, Wake Forest NC 27587. *Seniors please arrive dressed in cap and gown by 1:45 pm*  Link here to RSVP.


    Final transcripts will be ready for seniors to request to be sent electronically to their colleges/universities at the end of June.  This is a district and state date.  Information on how seniors request to have their transcripts sent can be found here


    Student Husky Hub


    Our School Improvement Team has created a resource for students and parents, the Student Husky HubFamilies please use the Hub to locate important information and documents that may be needed throughout the year.  There are a lot of links embedded in the document to provide for one stop shopping.  This will be a recurring message so that it is easy to find the link.


    Upcoming Events


    • June 3-12 – Spring Semester Final Exams. View schedule here.
    • June 10 – Class of 2024 Graduation, 12pm, Raleigh Convention Center
    • June 25 – Summer School Applications Due. Summer School is available for students that do not pass core classes. Contact your student’s school counselor for more information.


    Signing off,

    Scott Lyons


    Comments (-1)
  • Weekly Message

    Posted by Scott Lyons on 5/31/2024 1:00:00 PM

    Hello Huskies,


    Exams start this coming week.  We are confident our Huskies are going to do a great job and demonstrate what they have learned in their respective classes this year.  Access our final exam schedule on our homepage or here for seniors and here for underclassmen.  Students who wish to be dismissed after exams must submit an early release form.  Each day requires a separate form.  Paper copies of the form are available in Student Services.    Keep in mind, if a student is dismissed, he/she must remain off campus and may not ride the bus home.  Bus riders to not need a permission slip to leave early.  The buses are scheduled to leave after exams starting Thursday, June 6 through the rest of the year.  School is closed for graduation on June 10.


    Since testing begins on Monday, June 3 for seniors, we have adjusted our bell schedule.  We will run a “Tuesday Schedule” on Monday, June 3.  View bell schedule here.


    All students who are taking exams should bring their WCPSS Chromebook and charger to school every day that he/she has an End-of-Course or CTE exam. The school doesn't have enough laptops to provide to students who may fail to bring their school issued one on exam day.  If students are taking a Math End-of-Course exam, they should bring their own graphing calculator, if they own one.


    Seniors and students NOT returning to a WCPSS school next year must turn in their Chromebook and its charger to the media center after they complete their last final exam.


    Junior Specific Information


    North Carolina law requires all rising 12th graders to receive a meningococcal vaccine booster before starting 12th grade. Parents will need to provide a copy of their child’s immunization record showing proof that the meningococcal vaccine has been completed prior to the first day of school.  This is a 2-dose immunization; the 1st does was required in the 7th grade in Wake County schools.  This requirement is for everyone in the Class of 2021 and after.  Please send your immunization updates to Ms. O’Hara at kohara@wcpss.net or via fax at 919-670-4212 Attn: Ms. O’Hara.  More information can be found on the Wake Gov website here.


    Senior Specific Information


    With graduation just ten days away, make sure you are in the know!  Review our graduation page here to find out all information about graduation, including graduation attire expectations, the multiple steps seniors must take in order to "be cleared" for graduation and to pick up their graduation tickets, as well as the ticket pick up schedule.


    Seniors with scholarship offers are asked to report them, whether they accept them or not, so that we may have an accurate accounting for the Class of 2024.  We know the Class of 2024 has earned much more than what’s been reported thus far.  Report scholarship earnings here.


    We want to celebrate the future plans of ALL of our graduates.  Seniors, if you plan to Enlist in a branch of the military, Enroll in a Community or 4-year college, or be Employed in a career path of choice, we want to see you on the Enlist, Enroll, and Employ screen in the Commons.  Stop by Student Services to scan a QR code to submit your plans or access the form here.


    HHS Baccalaureate Service June 9, 2024 @ 2:00 pm

    Please join us as we celebrate the Heritage High School CLASS OF 2024!  The community will be honoring all seniors in a baccalaureate service.  All seniors, families and friends are welcome to attend. Seniors, please wear your cap and gown.  There will be a photo opportunity and light refreshments available after the service.  We look forward to this special time together!  The service will be held at Richland Creek Community Church, 3229 Burlington Mills Road, Wake Forest NC 27587. *Seniors please arrive dressed in cap and gown by 1:45 pm*  Link here to RSVP.


    Student Husky Hub


    Our School Improvement Team has created a resource for students and parents, the Student Husky HubFamilies please use the Hub to locate important information and documents that may be needed throughout the year.  There are a lot of links embedded in the document to provide for one stop shopping.  This will be a recurring message so that it is easy to find the link.


    Upcoming Events


    • June 3-12 – Spring Semester Final Exams. View schedule here.
    • June 10 – Class of 2024 Graduation, 12pm, Raleigh Convention Center
    • June 25 – Summer School Applications Due. Summer School is available for students that do not pass core classes. Contact your student’s school counselor for more information.


    Warm regards,

    Scott Lyons


    Comments (-1)
  • Weekly Message

    Posted by Scott Lyons on 5/24/2024 11:15:00 AM

    Hello Huskies,


    Monday, May 27 is Memorial Day, and Heritage High School will be closed.  I hope everyone has a great holiday.


    You can access our final exam schedule on our homepage or here for seniors and here for underclassmen.


    Junior Specific Information


    North Carolina law requires all rising 12th graders to receive a meningococcal vaccine booster before starting 12th grade. Parents will need to provide a copy of their child’s immunization record showing proof that the meningococcal vaccine has been completed prior to the first day of school.  This is a 2-dose immunization; the 1st does was required in the 7th grade in Wake County schools.  This requirement is for everyone in the Class of 2021 and after.  Please send your immunization updates to Ms. O’Hara at kohara@wcpss.net or via fax to 919-670-4212 Attn: Ms. O’Hara.  More information can be found on the Wake Gov website here.


    Senior Specific Information


    Senior Day is Thursday, May 30th.  Senior Day includes mandatory graduation rehearsal, planned Senior-Only activities, lunch, games, honor graduate stoles/cords will be distributed, and more!  Seniors should report to the main gym and find their homeroom teacher at 7:25am on May 30.  Seniors who have a signed Senior Day Early Release Permission Slip will be allowed to leave the Stadium at approximately 12:30pm. The Early Release Permission Slip will be collected from Seniors at that time.


    As we get closer to the end of the year, make sure you are in the know!  Review our graduation page here to find out all information about graduation, including the multiple steps seniors must take in order to "be cleared" for graduation and to pick up their graduation tickets.


    Seniors with scholarship offers are asked to report them, whether they accept them or not, so that we may have an accurate accounting for the Class of 2024.  We know the Class of 2024 has earned much more than what’s been reported thus far.  Report scholarship earnings here.


    We want to celebrate the future plans of ALL of our graduates.  Seniors, if you plan to Enlist in a branch of the military, Enroll in a Community or 4-year college, or be Employed in a career path of choice, we want to see you on the Enlist, Enroll, and Employ screen in the Commons.  Stop by Student Services to scan a QR code to submit your plans or access here.


    The Next NC Scholarship is a financial aid program that helps most North Carolinians from households making $80,000 or less pursue higher education by fully covering tuition and fees at any community college or more than half, if not all, of tuition and fees to attend any public university in the state. The best part? Money doesn’t have to be repaid. Students should submit their FAFSA by the Next NC Scholarship priority filing date, 8/15/24, for UNC System schools and for NC community colleges. Learn more at nextncscholarship.org.


    Mark your Calendar for Friday, May 31 at 8:00am for Awards Day.  This is a special event to honor and recognize our graduates.  Event will be held in the main gym.


    HHS Baccalaureate Service June 9, 2024 @ 2:00 pm

    Please join us as we celebrate the Heritage High School CLASS OF 2024!  The community will be honoring all seniors in a baccalaureate service.  All seniors, families and friends are welcome to attend. Seniors, please wear your cap and gown.  There will be a photo opportunity and light refreshments available after the service.  We look forward to this special time together!  The service will be held at Richland Creek Community Church, 3229 Burlington Mills Road, Wake Forest NC 27587. *Seniors please arrive dressed in cap and gown by 1:45 pm*  Link here to RSVP.


    Student Husky Hub


    Our School Improvement Team has created a resource for students and parents, the Student Husky HubFamilies please use the Hub to locate important information and documents that may be needed throughout the year.  There are a lot of links embedded in the document to provide for one stop shopping.  This will be a recurring message so that it is easy to find the link.


    Upcoming Events


    • May 30 – Senior Day, 7:25am, Main Gym
    • May 31 – School Awards Day, 8am
    • June 3-12 – Spring Semester Final Exams. View schedule here.
    • June 10 – Class of 2024 Graduation, 12pm, Raleigh Convention Center
    • June 25 – Summer School Applications Due. Summer School is available for students that do not pass core classes. Contact your student’s school counselor for more information.


    Warm regards,

    Scott Lyons



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