School Day
8:00 - 1:50
General Schedule Information
Student schedules are individualized with a combination of required high school and college courses. Required high school courses are not listed on the WTCC Blackboard site.
Class Length
50 minutes (Some college courses and lab classes are longer. See posted schedule on Blackboard for specific college class times).
Students must eat lunch during one of their open times or between classes. See page 17 for more details about North Campus lunch.
Daily Sign-In
All North Campus students must sign in for the day as soon as they arrive on campus. Students should not report to any class before signing in on the appropriate form in their assigned classroom. Students who do not sign in will be marked absent. Students who are tardy or have a schedule for the day that starts after 8:00 am, must follow posted sign in directions on classroom doors. Students are strongly encouraged to read all announcement posting and make note of all important dates/deadlines upon signing in each morning.
All North Campus students who leave campus prior to 1:50, must check out in office in Building C with Mrs. Hennings. Students must have written permission from their parents/guardian to leave campus. Parents may also report to office 335 on the 3rd Floor of Building C to check their child out of school. We cannot accept phone calls as documentation of parental consent.
Student Open Times and Sign-Out
The number of open times (hours when a student does not have a high school or college class) in a student’s schedule will vary depending upon the hours of their combined high school and college class schedule. During morning sign in, students must also indicate, in the blank spaces on the form, where they will be during each open time of the day. If their plans change, students must return to Building C to update the form. Students are located during the day using the sign in form. This is an important safety procedure that all North Campus students must follow. We must know where students are on campus at all times. During open times, students are expected to eat lunch in designated eating areas on campus or the café. Students may also use their open time to begin or complete assignments, meet with their college instructors (during office hours or a scheduled appointment), schedule a meeting with a high school teacher for additional assistance, or attend an additional session of Academic Assistance class (with teacher permission). Successful North Campus students use their time wisely.