When a student is sick and needs to be absent from school, please call the attendance line (570-2265) and leave a message indicating the student’s name and grade. A written note should be provided to the homeroom teacher when the student returns to school. An absence is recorded as unexcused until a note is received from the parent. In accordance with WCPSS Board Policy, an absence is excused for the following reasons:

    • Illness or injury 
    • Isolation ordered by the State Board of Health or Wake County Health Department 
    • Death in the immediate family 
    • Medical, dental, or other appointment with a health care provider (note from provider should be submitted to school) 
    • Court appearance, when student is under subpoena 
    • Religious holiday for student’s/parent’s religion 
    • Participation in a valid, prior-approved educational opportunity; completed form “WCPSS Prior Approval for Excused Absence” is required in advance of the absence

    Regular school attendance is important to promote consistency in learning and student achievement. In addition, arrival to school on time is important to develop a routine for a successful school day. Excessive tardiness to school is detrimental to the learning environment. We encourage students to strive for a good attendance record. We will work with individual situations when students are sick or have a serious family emergency. Although wonderful opportunities, family vacations are not considered educational experiences and will not be excused for prior approval unless they are specifically designed for an educational purpose.


    Whenever school is in session and our Superintendent declares an early dismissal due to inclement weather, his office will communicate that information to all local radio and TV stations. This procedure allows our staff to dismiss students in a timely and orderly manner. On any day that the Superintendent decides that school will not open for students, his office will communicate that information to all local radio and TV stations. Generally, year- round schools make up a missed school day on the following Saturday for a half-day session. Lunch is not provided on Saturdays.

    WCPSS District Attendance Policy