Students are expected to adhere to standards of dress and appearance that are compatible with an effective learning environment. Presenting a bodily appearance or wearing clothing which is disruptive, provocative, revealing, profane, vulgar, offensive or obscene, or which endangers the health and safety of the student or others is prohibited. Examples of prohibited dress or appearance include, but are not limited to:

    • Exposed undergarments
    • Sagging pants
    • Excessively short (middle-fingertip length when arms are relaxed) Wearing tights/leggings does not extend the length of your attire.
    • Excessively tight garments
    • Bare midriff shirts (Straps must be 3 fingers wide)
    • Strapless shirts
    • Attire with messages or illustrations that are lewd, indecent, or vulgar or that advertise any product or service not permitted by law to minors
    • Head covering of any kind (reasonable accommodations for religious or medical needs may be made)
    • See-through clothing
    • Attire that exposes cleavage
    • Any adornment such as chains or spikes that could reasonably be perceived as or used as a weapon
    • Any symbols, styles or attire frequently associated with intimidation, violence, or violent groups about which students at a particular school have been notified
    • Pajama pants and house slippers

    According to Board of Education policy, if a student’s dress or appearance is such that it constitutes a threat to the health or safety of others, distracts the attention of other students or staff from their work or otherwise violates the dress code, the principal or principal’s designee may require the student to change his or her dress or appearance. A second or repeated violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action.

    WCPSS District Dress Code