Morning drop-off begins at 8:45 am and concludes at 9:10 am. Students who are not out of their cars at 9:10 will need to be escorted inside by their parent/guardian. Please pull all the way to the front of the entrance to ensure an efficient unloading process. Staff members will open doors for students to welcome them to school. DO NOT DROP OFF CHILDREN PRIOR TO THE APPEARANCE OF THE ADULT SUPERVISORS at 8:45 am. Students should be seated on the passenger side of the vehicle and be ready to get out as soon as the car comes to a stop. Do not get out of the vehicle to unload the student as staff will support them with this. If needed, pull up and park to assist your student so that the flow of carpool is not interrupted.
Afternoon pickup begins at 3:45pm. Cars should display the carpool tag. The number on the tag will be used to call students to the carpool area. Students line up in order of the carpool numbers. Please remain in order and keep the carpool tag visible throughout the carpool line. Staff members are stationed outside to assist with the loading process. If your child is not outside, please alert a staff member and pull to the side while the student is paged again. If you are picking up a student during dismissal without a carpool tag, we ask that you park in a visitor's parking spot and wait until 4:00 pm. This allows for our system to continue to maintain safety, operate without holding up traffic, and ensure that all students are accounted for.
Reminders: Use the Claymore Drive entrance to enter the carpool lane. The line will loop through the parking lot. Please refrain from cell phone use during carpool drop-off and pickup to maintain the safety of our school community and expedite the process.
Carpool Tags will be available at Meet the Teacher Thursday August 25 or in the office any day thereafter.
No one is permitted to avoid the carpool line by parking on the street and picking up a child as a walker. School Board Policy defines walkers as children who live within the designated Walk Zone. If your address is not within the Walk Zone, you must choose carpool or bus as your mode of transportation.