• Student Activities

    Each year, we offer a variety of extra-curricular activities to help students to build their leadership skills and enhance their skills in areas of interest. 

    Some of our current extra-curricular offerings include: 

    • Art Club (4th & 5th Graders)
    • Panther Performers (4th & 5th Graders)
    • Panther Ambassadors (5th graders) 
      • Media helpers
      • Carpool assistants
      • Bus assistants
      • Office Helpers
    • Recycling Club (4th graders)
    • Run Club (4th & 5th graders)

    Vance families should monitor their child's weekly Tuesday folder, Classroom Dojo and/or Classroom Remind, and our Principal All-Calls for information about extra-curricular opportunities on campus.