School Improvement

  • The purpose of school improvement is to improve achievement and outcomes for every student by working to eliminate the ability to predict achievement based on socioeconomic status, race, and ethnicity.

    We do this by collaboratively and continuously analyzing data and making decisions considering the unique needs of the learning community and the district's strategic plan.

    View progress reports for each school.

School Improvement Team Membership

  • Leslie McClintock (Intervention/SIP Co-Chair)

    Tina Zarzecki (Principal)

    Darrick King (AP/SIP Co-Chair)

    Brendan Fetters (AP)

    Renee Farrow (Counselor)

    Carrie Pitchford (Magnet Coordinator)

    Elizabeth Clapp (SPED)

    Shara Wolkomir (ESL)

    Sarah Dempsey (ESL)

    Brianna Brown (Tech/Testing Coordinator)

    Sarah Brayton (Social Studies Dept. Chair)

    Joel County (Electives)

    Amber Myers (ELA Dept. Chair)

    Mary Austin Tugman (6 Dream)

    Mireya Ruiz (6 Lead/Math Dept Chair)

    Beverly Rust (6 Innovate)

    Zoe Campbell (7 Dream)

    Morgan Gilberti (7 Lead)

    Sarah Wilson (7 Innovate)

    Joyce Pennycooke (8 Dream/Science Dept. Chair)

    Keith Phillips (8 Lead)

    Lorenia Yllaramendy (8 Innovate)

    Nancy Corson (Non-Certified)

    Sarah Stephens (Senior Administrator Northern Area)

    Kim Burton (Director of Title I)

    The members of the School Improvement Team were approved on September 11, 2024

School Improvement Meetings

  • Tuesday, September 10 - 3pm

    Monday, October 7 - 3pm 

    November - TBD (Quarterly Review)

    Monday, December 9 - 3pm

    Monday, January 13 - 3pm

    Monday, February 10 - 3pm

    Monday, March 10 - 3pm (Quarterly Review)

    Monday, April 7 - Protected TWD

    Monday, May 12 - 3pm

    June Retreat - TBD (Quarterly Review)

Indistar Login

To view our School Improvement Plan, log in using the credentials below.

  • Indistar Username: GuestS17449

  • Indistar Password: GuestS17449