• History of the IB Programmes


    The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) developed its first programme in 1968. The IB Diploma Programme (DP) was designed for grades 11 and 12 as way for students to explore the interdisciplinary complexities of our world and to provide them with the skills and attitudes to make it better.

    The IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) was introduced in 1994 for students in grades 6-10, and the Primary Years Programme (PYP) followed soon after in 1997 for grades k-5. These programmes follow the same fundamental beliefs and prepare students for the following programmes and the world after secondary school.


    The IB Middle Years Programme

    The MYP was developed with three guiding principles in mind: holistic learning, intercultural awareness, and communication. We know that our students are constantly facing a rapidly changing world and the higher-order thinking skills at the center of the MYP prepare them to understand of the world around them and their growing awareness of themselves with sound judgment.

    The MYP is a coherent and comprehensive framework that aligns with the core mission of the IB but also takes into account the unique and critical time period of adolescents ages 11-16. We know that success in school during this time relates closely to personal,  social, and emotional well-being. As such, a balanced, wrap-around programme like the IB MYP serves all students well in throughout the middle years. This programme involves ALL STUDENTS in the school because the IB and West Millbrook believe that each student in our charge benefits from the MYP programme.

    The IBO understands that schools around the world may also be held to state and national standards as provided by governing bodies. The MYP framework allows schools to meet those standards while fulfilling the mission and requirements of the programme. Generally speaking, the IB MYP aligns with NC standards and the  WCPSS mission/vision. The pedagogical recommendations of the IB MYP also mirror those outlined in the NC Teacher Evaluation Instrument.

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