Cafeteria Reward System


    image of school cafeteria line  image of cafeteria tables

    The cafeteria can be a place of great joy and great noise!  And while we want our students to have time to socialize and create a connected school community, we also want to ensure safety and structure in the cafeteria.  We have worked with our Instructional Assistants and our school news program, the Whoot 7 News, to promote positive behavior in the cafeteria.

    The expectations for all students are posted in the cafeteria.

    Some of the expected student behavioirs include:

    • moving quietly through the serving line
    • getting all utensils and condiments before sitting down
    • sitting at your assigned table
    • monitoring your volume when talking to the people at your table
    • rasing your hand and waiting for an adult to help you if you need utensils or condiments

     sign reads I will line up nicely  sign reads I will listen to all teachers

    sign reads I will keep my hands and feet to mayself  sign reads I will use my manners

    Students are dismissed when they see their teacher's picture appear on the large monitor.  They should clean up their trash and line up in the correct area to wait for their teacher.  

    If students are following these cafeteria procedures and showing the 3R's of being Respectful, Responsible and Ready students they can earn class behavior stickers.  Grade level classes with the most green and green smilies stickers will be awarded each month. 


    September's reward is a Popsicle Party during lunch!  Good Luck Aversboro Classes!  Show that 3R Behavior!!