A variety of handouts are available for those that have or work with young children birth through Kindergarten age. If you have questions or want more information, please call 919.856.7774.
Social Skills for School Success
Social Skills for School Success- Hablidades Sociales para el Exito en la Escuela Spanish Version
Changing Don't to Do Statements
Changing Don't to Do Statements-Cambiando las frases negativas por frases positivas Spanish Version
Creating a Night Routine-¡Las rutinas favorecen el buen comportamiento! Spanish Version
Encourage Your Child to Become a Writer
Encourage Your Child to Become a Writer-Anime a Su Niño a Que se Convierta en un Escritor Spanish Version
Positive Communication-La Comunicación Positiva? Spanish Version
Talk, Talk, Talk-Habla, Habla, Habla! Spanish Version
Give Me FIVE!-“¡Dame Los Cinco!” Spanish Version
50 Ways I Show You I LOVE You!
50 Ways I Show You I LOVE You!-50 Formas De Demostrarte Que “Te Amo”… Spanish Version
Off to a Good Start-Off to a Good Start in Kindergarten
Off to a Good Start- Un buen comienzo en el Kinder Spanish Version