• Dear Parents and Guardians,

    Subject: Apology for oversight at the Underclassman Awards

    We hope this letter finds you well. We write to you today to sincerely apologize for an unfortunate incident that occurred during the Underclassman Awards held on Wednesday evening, May 31, 2023. Due to human error, some student names were not called during the ceremony, and some certificates were not located causing understandable disappointment and inconvenience.

    We understand the significance of the Underclassman Awards as a moment to recognize and celebrate the achievements and contributions of our students. We deeply regret that this oversight occurred and want to assure you that we are taking immediate steps to address the situation.

    First and foremost, we want to apologize to the students affected by this mistake. Their hard work, dedication, and accomplishments deserve recognition, and we deeply regret any frustration or disappointment caused. In order to rectify this oversight, we are currently asking students to see Mrs. Ford, one of the Assistant Principals,  to pick up their award in Office 2223-B. Students may stop by at their convenience no later than Friday June 9th.

    We deeply regret this oversight and assure you that we are reviewing our processes to prevent similar incidents in the future. Our aim is to ensure that every student is recognized for their hard work and achievements, and we will take steps to enhance our procedures to achieve this goal. We extend our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience caused. We value your understanding, and we are committed to making amends and providing the recognition that our students deserve. 

    If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We appreciate your continued support and partnership in providing the best educational experience for our students.

    Thank you for your understanding.


    Katonia Ford

    Assistant Principal

    East Wake High School