• Frequently Asked Questions

    What is AOIT

    The Academy of Information Technology is a small learning community within Apex High School.  It is designed as a four-year program able to accommodate 90 students in each grade level cohort.  Students take a sequence of technology courses over the four years along with core academic classes with the career theme woven through the curriculum.  In addition to the coursework, the student completes a series of work-based learning experiences.  This strategy better prepares students for both college and careers. Check out our AOIT Brochure for more information. 

    Who is the Academy for?

    Per the current WCPSS Board Policy, the Academy is open for applications and admissions to students assigned to Apex High School. Students must be on the Standard Course of Study and should enjoy using and learning with technology, working on cross-curricular hands-on projects, and being in classes with like-minded students. Learn more. 

    Is the Academy only for students interested in Computer Science?

    No. Our career academy offers students two different tracks to choose from. Students who enjoy digital media and content development may be drawn to our Design Track to obtain skills and certifications using the Adobe Creative Suite. More analytical students may be drawn to our Programming Track and learn programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, Java, and SAS. The skills students learn in the Academy are transferable to any career field. Through experiential learning experiences, students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.

    What are the benefits of being enrolled in the Academy?

    While there are several benefits to being in a career academy, here's the Top 10:

    • Being part of a small learning community
    • Classes grouped with like-minded peers
    • Project-based learning
    • Real-world applications
    • Industry Credentials and NAF Track Certification
    • Support from businesses and post-secondary institutions
    • College & career-focused courses
    • Competitive edge to college applications and resumes
    • Career-related internship
    • 100% graduation rate

    How many students does the Academy accept each year?

    Each grade level cohort is limited to 90 students.   

    Why is a lottery used?

    According to school board policy, a career academy should be homogeneous with the school's student population.  A lottery is the most equitable method to achieve this.  Interest in computer science, IT, grades, and teacher recommendations are not a factor in admittance. 

    Can students take honors and AP level classes while in the Academy?

    Yes. Core Academy cohort classes such as English, Science, and Social Studies are taught at the academic and honors level, depending on teacher recommendations.  Teachers differentiate instruction between the academic and honors levels.  From 9th through 12th grade, students can take AP courses (some of these classes may be outside the Academy cohort).  Taking AP courses does not change a student's status in the Academy. A few of the Academy CTE classes hold AP weight while other classes are taught at the honors level.  The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction determines the weight of a course. 

    Can students take other elective courses?

    Yes.  While students are required to take specific electives in addition to an internship, there is still room in their schedule to take other elective courses.  

    How should incoming freshmen register for classes?

    Incoming freshmen should register for classes as if they are not in the academy.  Once pulled into the program, classes will be adjusted to reflect the academy cohort classes. 

    Is the Academy more difficult?

    No. All Academy courses follow the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Academy classes differentiate themselves by integrating technology into core classes, interdisciplinary teaching, and project-based learning. Work-based learning and soft skills are also a strong focus in Academy classes. Academy students complete projects that involve working in a team and presenting to an authentic audience. Our teachers challenge students to apply their learning and develop skills that connect to real-world applications.

    Are there any conflicts with athletics or clubs? 

    No. Many Academy students participate in athletics and extracurricular clubs.

    Are there any conflicts with Band or Performing Arts?

    While it can be challenging trying to fit year-long Performing Arts classes into a schedule for a student in the Academy, to date, it hasn't been impossible. If a student is interested in Band or Performing Arts, we need to have open lines of communication when working on registration and scheduling. 

    Can students drop out of the Academy? 

    We typically have a waitlist for the Academy and we don't fill spots after freshmen year.  We expect students and their family to seriously consider their decision to enroll because we expect a four-year commitment to the program.