The parent organizations / boosters listed below work to support various programs at Apex Friendship High. Each provides an important service to our school. Please get involved!
Academy of Engineering Parent Support Group
Description: The career academy at Apex Friendship High is the Academy of Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing. The Parent Support Group is a dedicated group of parents who work to support the experiences, needs, and teachers of the academy.
Contact: Iris Dickinson, President, president@afaoeparents.org
Meetings: The AOE Parent Support Group meets the first Wednesday of each month.
AFPAC (Athletic Boosters)
Description: AFPAC is a non-profit organization that functions to support the athletics program at Apex Friendship High. AFPAC raises funds through sponsorships, fundraising, concessions, and memberships. Funds provide necessary supplies, facility improvements and other supports to AFHS athletic teams.
Contact: Mike Ostrander, AFPAC President
Meetings: TBD
More Information: Website
Future Farmers of America (FFA) Booster
Description: The Apex Friendship High School FFA Boosters works to support the instructional program and co-curricular events related to our chapter of Future Farmers of America
Contact: LeAnne Olive, President, afhsffaalumni@gmail.com
More Information: Instagram @apexfriendshipffa
Description: The Apex Friendship High School PTSA is a nonprofit 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization whose mission is to see every Apex Friendship High School student achieve success and reach their potential by supporting its students, families, staff, faculty, and community.
Contact: Danielle Healy, PTSA President, president@afhsptsa.org
Meetings: TBD
More Information: For more information on the latest events, activities and meetings, please visit our website at www.afhsptsa.org and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and X (Twitter) with our handle: @afhsptsa