• Career and Technical Education

    Career and Technical Education (CTE) is an integral part of the comprehensive secondary school program in Wake County.

    Our Career and Technical Education (CTE) program aims to prepare students for employment opportunities, advanced education and productive lives. CTE promotes best practices that enhance teachers' efforts to improve student achievement and encourage responsible career choices. We want to meet students' needs, cultivate their abilities and help them realize their aspirations.

    Courses & Curriculum

    At KHS, CTE offers a wide array of electives in several areas: agriculture, arts, hospitality, human sevices, information technology, architecture & construction, finance, business, marketing, and public safety/law.  See full list of electives here.

    Contact Information

    For more information about CTE Programs at Knightdale High School, please contact Valerie Singletary, CTE Department Co-Chair, vsingletary@wcpss.net or James Hardee, CTE Department Co-Chair, jhardee@wcpss.net .

    Helpful Links



    Career Academies Information

    Career Services