The REMIND process has been set up for all of my students and parents to use. This process will make it very easy for everyone to know when assignments are due. Students and parents can sign up for text and/or email alerts. This app is completely safe and anyone who signs up with a cell phone, your number will not be shown or made public to anyone, including myself. To learn more about the process and what makes Remind 100% safe and protects your privacy, please click here.
Please look carefully for the class that you or your child is in before signing up for reminders. I have 6 classes this year and each class has a different code to use during the sign-up process. Please keep in mind that only students and parents of students in my class should sign-up. Reminders will be sent out sparingly and only when upcoming assignments are due. Use the codes below for the appropriate class. If you do not have a cell phone and/or would like email notifications instead, click here. Once there, click the “I’m a student or parent” tab. It will then ask you to type in the appropriate class code, which is found below. Lastly, you will click the “email” tab and enter your email address.
Track 2/8th Grade – Text the keyword: @82drms to 919-344-0833
Track 3/8th Grade - Text the keyword: @83drms to 919-344-0833
Track 4/7th Grade - Text the keyword: @74drms to 919-344-0833
Track 1/7th Grade - Text the keyword: @71drms to 919-344-0833
Track 4/6th Grade -Text the keyword: @64drms to 919-344-0833
Track 2/6th Grade - Text the keyword: @61drms to 919-344-0833