First Grade
Dear First Grade Fox Families,
Welcome to First Grade at Forest Pines Drive Elementary School…home of “Sly the Fox!” We are so excited to begin another wonderful school year and can’t wait to meet you all. This year will be filled with so much learning! Some of the things we will learn in first grade include phonological awareness skills, decoding strategies, reading comprehension standards, narrative and non-fiction writing, place value understanding, attributes of 2D and 3D shapes, partitioning squares, rectangles, and circles into halves and fourths, solving story problems using many different strategies, telling time to the hour and half hour, determining how things balance and move, learning what plants and animals need to survive, being aware of basic economic vocabulary, having knowledge of different cultures and traditions around the world, and much, much more! In first grade, we will be spending time learning strategies that will help in developing reading skills. These strategies and skills are vital in becoming a successful reader and are a very important part of our first-grade curriculum. We hope you have had a great summer and are ready to get the year started! We have lots of work (and lots of fun) waiting for us! We look forward to seeing you at Meet the Teacher and getting to know your family this year.
Let’s go, Fabulous First Grade Foxes!
Much Love,
The First Grade Teachers and Instructional Assistants