
    Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports

    PBIS is a proactive approach to establishing behavioral supports and social cultures needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional and academic success.


    Wake Forest Elementary School PBIS Expectations










    Prepare for Success


    Have all materials ready

    Listen and follow directions

    Come in ready to learn

    Take care of equipment

    Keep being a good friend


    Get everything you need before going to seat

    Choose an appropriate seat

    Go straight to your destination



    Go directly to restroom and back


    Focus on yourself

    Have materials in the appropriate place


    Act Responsibly



     Follow rules

    Do your best

    Use appropriate voice level


    Stay in your area

    Line up quickly



     Follow adult directions

    Stay in your seat

    Clean up after yourself



    Keep hands to yourself

    Stay to the right

    Face forward




    Stay in correct area

    Wash your hands

    Put trash in trash cans



    Go straight to destination


    Stay to the right


    Work Together



    Make sure everyone is included and participating

    Take turns

    Problem solve





    Include everyone in play

    Encourage others

    Listen for teachers’ directions


    Help make sure the voice level is low

    Make sure the area is clean

    Help pick up trash

    Keep hands off the wall/items hanging




    Only ask when you need to go

    Enter/Exit quickly and quietly

    Help make sure area is clean

    Model expectations of hallway behavior

    Listen to adults and safety patrol


    Show Respect



     Have a caring heart, use kind words and faces

    Speak at appropriate times




    Apologize for accidents

    Be nice to others

    Follow adult directions




    Keep voice at level 1

    Follow adult directions

    Say please and thank you


    Keep voice at level 0




    Keep the restroom clean

    Voice level 0

    Keep voice at level 0


    Use appropriate noise level.

    Use polite language

    Keep hands and feet to self

    Accept responsibility for your actions.