Magnet Theme

  • Investigation and Innovation through STEM

    The i STEM magnet program at Wake Forest brings together science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in ways that make learning fun and authentic. iSTEM places a strong emphasis on the individual student and their learning styles and interests. Our school and classroom spaces are designed to engage students with hands-on learning experiences that foster inquiry, curiosity, confidence, problem solving, collaboration, critical thinking, and communication.

For more information on our magnet program, contact our school's Magnet Coordinator, Nicole Schwartz

(919) 554-8655 ext. 23900

  • Design Thinking

    Students use the Design Thinking process to engage in authentic and hands-on learning experiences through quarterly investigations (Inquiry-based-learning units)

    Students will:

    • practice critical thinking
    • deepen their engagement with their own learning
    • develop skills that will prepare them for the future
    • find creative solutions to problems based on experimentation and observation
    • collaborate with industry experts as mentors


  • International

    Mandarin Chinese and Spanish language classes enrich students’ cultural perspectives while exposing students to languages most needed in a Global STEM economy. Classroom teachers will collaborate with Mandarin and Spanish teachers to discover international connections to quarterly investigations.