• Middle Creek Elementary School


    Our Mission

    Our school community will provide meaningful learning experiences that enable students to become productive citizens in the 21st century.


    Our Vision

    Middle Creek Elementary will be an inclusive community where students will be prepared for their future.


    Our School Schedule

    Middle Creek Elementary is a Year-round School. Students attending our school still attend school for 180 days, just like students on the traditional calendar.  Multi-track year-round schools organize students into four groups or "tracks".  Each track follows a different schedule.  The schedules are staggered so that at any given time, three of the tracks are in school and one track is out on break.  This system is a "45/15 Schedule", meaning the students are in school for 45 days, then off for 15, throughout the year. Families can use track-out time for vacation or track-out can be used for additional learning. Child care providers in our community offer child care and camps during track-out. The school year begins in early July for students on tracks 1, 2, and 3. Students on track 4 begin the school year 15 days later.