• PTA Officers Section:

    President - Valerie Davis, banksptapresident10225@gmail.com 
    Vice President - Caroline Marlow
    Treasurer - Sara Yontz, treasurerbres@gmail.com
    Secretary - Christa Brown, bresptasecretary10225@gmail.com
    Upcoming Events:
    -There will be NO PTA meeting in December, next meeting will be in February. See Trailblazer Times for meeting information.
    -Penguin Patch Holiday Shop is December 9-13. This holiday shop encourages students to think of getting gifts for others, and shopping time sare during the week. Check Trailblazer Times and folders for information on payment options.
    -Tuesday, December 10 Chick Fil A Night and Family Holiday Shop Night: Swing by Chick Fil A in Rand Villiage (by Costco) to support the school, then head over with the family to shop at the Penguin Patch!
    Reflections Art Contest Winners
    Congratulations to our 2024 Reflections Art Contest Winners! These school winners are now competing in the Wake County Reflections contest, whose winners will be announced at the end of the year.
    Primary (K-2)
    Karla Rivera - Visual Art
    Valentina Rivera -Visual Art
    Intermediate (3-5)
    Rebecca Robinson - Dance Choreography
    Kinley Soltiz - Dance Choreography
    Hadlee Taylor - Digital Photography
    Christina Southern - Visual Art
    A'layla Smith-Hogan -Visual Art
    PTA Links:
    Join the PTA & Purchase Spirit Wear - https://bres.memberhub.com/store
    PTA Volunteer Interest Form - https://forms.gle/n3iZFrtxnMaoMvPf9
    Rent the Rock Date Request Form - https://forms.gle/jpjRpwbuhywnhAyu6 
    Request a PTA reimbursement - https://forms.gle/Xpja8uKrgFpQYego7
    Classroom Popsicle Party Request Form - https://forms.gle/NjvQZF26AMms2pHR6 
    Local Business Sponsors
    Platinum Sponsor: Heyel metal 
    Gold Sponsor: Chickfila at Rand Village (the one by Costco)
    Silver Sponsors: Dynamics Performing Arts AND Fuquay Chevrolet
    Bronze Sponsors: Pittman Family Orthodontics, Wells Family Dental Group, Jimmy's Affordable Automotive, Hwy55 burgers Fuquay
    John Hiester Chick-fil-A Heyel DPAA