• The Kraft Family YMCA provides before- and after-school care on our campus. They also offer track-out camps for Banks Road families. For more information, or to register, contact the YMCA directly at 919-657-9622 or visit their website by clicking the link below. 
    In the event of inclement weather, YMCA care will be affected. 


       • ARE DELAYED, off-site morning programs are delayed by the same amount of time. (For
          example, if schools start two hours late, Early Arrivals will start two hours late.)
       • CLOSE EARLY, off-site youth programs will be closed. YMCA transportation will not pick
          up students from schools. Parents must pick up students from schools.
       • ARE CLOSED, off-site youth programs are closed.

    The YMCA will post weather-related closings and schedule changes as soon as possible. Please check:
       • www.YMCATriangle.org
       • Inclement Weather Hotline, 657-9622 ext. 1352