Enloe Grading Plan

  • Wake County Public School System is committed to maintaining rigorous performance and achievement standards for all students and to providing a fair and consistent process for evaluating and reporting student progress that is understandable to students and their parents and relevant for instructional purposes.

    The information below shares specific information about grading for our school.

    Enloe High School Grading Plan

    AP/IB(New 23-24):

    • Minor: 30% Minimum # of assignments per quarter 3

    • Major: 70% Minimum # of assignments per quarter 2

    Honors/Standard(New 23-24):

    • Minor: 40% Minimum # of assignments per quarter 4

    • Major: 60% Minimum # of assignments per quarter 2

    Definitions(New 23-24): 

    • Minor: Assignments that provide students with progress towards mastery of standards for both accuracy and/or completion. Can include but is not limited to minor quizzes, mini-labs, mini-assessments, mini-projects, classwork, homework, and Warmups/Exit Tickets.

    • Major: Culminating/formative and summative assessments that measure mastery of one or multiple standards (i.e. Major assessments, tests, performance tasks, writing assignments, major labs, projects with rubrics, major quizzes)

    • PLCs will further clarify what types of assignments will be entered into each category via the course syllabus

    Homework (Kept from 22-23): 

    The Enloe Magnet High School faculty and administration believe that homework is a part of the learning process. Homework must only be an extension of class work and afford students the opportunity to practice skills and apply concepts learned in the classroom. Homework reflects content and skills explicitly taught and practiced in class first. Projects or long term work that is developed both in class and at home is not considered homework for grading practices.  According to board policy, all grades must be tied to student learning of the standards and cannot be punitive.

    • Students should be prepared for homework in all subjects. Board Policy R&P 3135 suggests approximately 30 minutes per class session per night as a guideline. 

    • Expect approximately 1 hour of homework per AP/IB class, per night.

    • If homework is graded, it will not count more than 15% of a student’s total quarter grade, as defined by PLC. 

    PLC Prevention-Intervention Plan (Kept from 22-23):

    For students at risk of academic failure, our school provides a prevention/intervention system that promotes successful completion and mastery of work. All PLCs have developed a prevention system that provides students with additional time and support  during each grading period.  This system will include opportunities for additional learning and assessment of learning to support student success; and it will include a systematic way for students to be re-assessed on their learning.

    The PLC intervention plan must include objective recovery either through Edgenuity or an Academic Recovery Plan (ARP).  The intervention plan will be implemented for students failing any of the first three quarters.

    The prevention/intervention plan will be made available by each teacher.

    Late Work(New 23-24):

    • Students are expected to turn in work by the announced due date. 

    • If initial deadlines are missed, students have a 2-class grace period with no grade penalty to submit the work after the original due date; this will be known as the “Not Accepted After” (NAA) date and will be clarified for students when assignments are presented. 

    •  Assignments submitted after the initial due date but before the NAA date will be designated in PowerSchool as “Late.” 

    • Assignments submitted after the NAA date and time are considered missing and will be provided with feedback and a grade of 50% or less, as determined by the PLC “Missing Work” policy. 

    • Teachers and PLCs reserve the right to adjust the time for the NAA date when extenuating circumstances justify such a shift, based on the teacher’s professional judgment (i.e. unforeseen loss of instructional time, inclement weather, end of quarter/unit/project, etc.).

    • The College Board and International Baccalaureate organizations do not allow schools/teachers to modify the AP/IB curriculum requirements and national submission deadlines.

    Missing Work(New 23-24): 

    • The following assignments will be designated in PowerSchool as “Missing”:

      • Assignments submitted after the NAA date

      • Assignments submitted after teacher established makeup work deadlines due to absences

      • Assignments that have never been submitted at all

    • PLCs will determine the grade for missing assignments, not to exceed 50% of the original value of the assignment and communicate those policies with students, guardians, and administrators. 

    Makeup Work Due to Absences(New 23-24): 

    PLCs will follow the below WCPSS policy 4400. PLCs will communicate any additional course specific policies with students, guardians, and administrators in a course syllabus. These assignments will be designated in PowerSchool as “Absent.”

    • Makeup Work (Board Policy): In the case of excused absences, short-term out-of-school suspensions, and absences under G.S. 130A-440 (for failure to submit a school health assessment form within 30 days of entering school), the student will be permitted to make up his or her missed work.  Assignments missed due to participation in school-related activities also are eligible for makeup by the student.  The teacher shall determine when work is to be made up.  The student is responsible for finding out what assignments are due and completing them within the specified time period.

    • Unexcused Absences (Board Policy): All schools will establish a school-based attendance team and develop a plan to improve attendance. As part of this plan, each school will establish procedures to develop and implement interventions for excessive absences and a process for dealing with students who fail to meet previously-determined expectations. The interventions will involve parents/guardians. The principal shall notify parents/guardians and take all other steps required by G.S. 115C-378 for excessive, unexcused absences.

    Academic Integrity (Kept from 22-23 student handbook):

    Academic honesty is essential to excellence in education and is directly related to the Board's educational objectives for students to promote integrity and self-discipline in students.  As all schoolwork is a measure of student performance, academic honesty facilitates an accurate measurement of student learning.

    Each student, parent, family & staff member has a responsibility to promote a culture that respects & fosters integrity.  Academic integrity & honesty requires that all stakeholders share responsibility in the fulfillment of the policy.

    In fulfilling these responsibilities:

    • students will collaborate with their peers to foster a culture of academic integrity; refrain from participating, either directly or indirectly, in any form of cheating or plagiarism; and adhere to the honor code;

    • parents and family will actively support the honor code by encouraging their child(ren) to foster and uphold a culture of academic integrity;

    • staff will establish and annually teach expectations regarding academic integrity and honesty; and promote the honor code.

    A. Prohibited Behavior:

    1. Cheating:  Cheating is an academic deception where a student intends in some way to receive or attempt to receive credit for work not originated by the student, to give or receive unauthorized assistance, or to give or receive an unfair advantage on any form of academic work.

    Cheating includes, but is not limited to:

    • copying from another student’s examination, assignment, or other coursework with or without permission;

    • allowing another student to copy work without authorization from a teacher or administrator;

    • taking an examination, writing a paper, or completing any other assigned academic task on another student’s behalf;

    • using notes or resources in any form, including written or online, without authorization;

    • sharing or accepting from another, without authorization, any examination content, questions, answers, or tips on an assessment or assignment through the use of notes, scratch paper, social media, or any type of written, oral, or electronic communication.

    Plagiarism: Plagiarism is using passages, materials, words, ideas, and/or thoughts of someone or something else and representing them as one's own original work without properly crediting the source.

    Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:

    • copying text, images, charts, or other materials from digital or print sources without proper citation;

    • intentional misrepresentation of work as your own by paraphrasing of items from digital or print sources without proper citation;

    • using translation tools or resources to translate sentences or passages without permission;

    • using a thesis, hypothesis, or idea obtained from another source without proper citation.

    Falsification or Deceit: Intentional acts of falsification or serious deceitful misconduct that threaten the health, safety, or welfare of others, or that cause a substantial detrimental impact on school operations or other individuals are prohibited. 

    Falsification or deceit includes, but is not limited to:

    • falsifying another person’s name on a school-related document such as a test or report;

    • buying or selling test questions or answers;

    • copying secure test materials and providing the materials to others;

    • paying for or receiving anything of value to complete a school assignment.

    B. Violations:

    Staff will intervene and reeducate students to promote positive change in student behavior. 

    A student’s grade may or may not be impacted by a violation.  If the violation impacts a student’s grade, the school may impose academic consequences according to the following criteria:  

    1. when reasonably possible, the student will be expected to complete the assignment or an alternative assignment as determined by the professional learning community (PLC) guidelines and will do so in an honest manner consistent with the honor code, and 

    2. the student may receive full, partial, or no grading credit for the assignment as determined by PLC guidelines approved by the principal.  Guidelines will consider the age of the student, the student’s performance on a repeated or alternative assignment, the student’s number of violations of the Honor Code during the school year, and the gravity or level of the violation. 

    A violation of the Honor Code may or may not result in a disciplinary consequence.  Staff will address violations of this policy under Board Policy 4309, Student Behavior – Code of Conduct, Levels I-11 (Honor Code) and Level II-1 (Falsification or Deceit) as applicable. 

    • Level I-11 (Honor Code) states:  “All students are expected to adhere to the academic Honor Code. Disciplinary consequences for violations of this policy will typically be consistent with Level I violations.” 

    • Level II-1 states that, “Intentional acts of falsification or serious deceitful misconduct that threatens the health, safety, or welfare of others, or that cause a substantial detrimental impact on school operations or other individuals, are prohibited.”  A further description of Falsification or Deceit is set forth above in this policy. 

    Violations of the Honor Code may impact eligibility for school privileges including but not limited to athletic participation, honors, or awards.  Further, this policy does not prevent consequences from being imposed by other organizations or regulations.

    C. Honor Code Violation:

    • 1st infraction:

      • Incident will be documented in ECATS

      • Parent will be notified by the teacher of incident/evidence

      • Teacher will notify the student’s counselor for documentation and use for college requests

      • Individual PLC curricular areas will provide the student with an opportunity to receive credit by creating an alternate assignment or redoing the original assignment. This information will be specifically stated in the PLC grading plan.

    •  2nd infraction

      • Same as 1st infraction, and

      • Referral to grade level administrator

    •  3rd infraction

      • Both 1st and 2nd infraction consequences

      • Direct Administrator consequence which may include ISS/OSS

    Severe cheating that involves theft and/or distribution of course material will be an immediate referral to the administration.