See the map below or download the Ligon traffic patterns map using the link: Ligon traffic patterns
Please note:
- Haywood St. should not be used from the hours of 7:05am-7:40am and 2:15pm-3:00pm. This is the BUS ZONE ONLY. Walkers are also crossing the street to get to school. Please do not drive on Haywood St. for the safety of all students.
- The carpool line begins at East St. and Lenoir St. Please join the line on Lenoir St. from East St. and follow the line through the carpool loop at the front of the school.
- Church St. is for SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION ONLY. Please do not drive on Church St. or drop off or pick up students from Church St. between the hours of 7:05am-7:40am and 1:45pm-3:00pm unless directed by staff.
- WALKER PICK UP: Please park on only the right side of the neighborhood streets (not both sides of the street - this blocks the street for traffic) and do not block driveways. We need to be good neighbors. Please ask your child to use the sidewalks and not to walk through the yards of our neighbors.
- All parking lots are off limits for drop off and pick up of students. Please do not enter parking lots. These are for STAFF ONLY.