Cary HS Student Expectations
Classroom Expectations
Students are expected to show up to class each day prepared for instruction and display appropriate behavior throughout the school day. Students should specifically demonstrate the following behaviors as outlined in the WCPSS student code of conduct.
Compliance with Directives: Students shall comply with all lawful directives of school employees, including but not limited to directives to identify oneself, to remove oneself from a dangerous or disruptive situation, or to report to a designated person or location.
Mutual Respect: Mutual respect is expected between students and staff. Students will refrain from words (written or oral) and/or gestures that demean, degrade, antagonize, or humiliate a school employee, volunteer, visitor, or other student(s). Examples may include ridiculing, cursing at, or aggressively or angrily shouting at an employee, volunteer, visitor, or other student(s).
Appropriate Language: Cursing or use of vulgar, profane, or obscene language, oral or written, is prohibited. If such language is directed at a school employee, volunteer, visitor, or other student(s), students may be subject to disciplinary action.
Cell Phone Use
Students must comply with teacher direction with regard to cell phones. Teachers reserve the right to tell students to put their cell phones away. Refusal to comply with a teacher’s directions will result in disciplinary action that may include confiscation and require parents to collect the device.
There is a direct relationship between attendance and student success. The more time students are in the classroom, the more opportunities they have to be successful. We also know from time to time it is necessary to be out of class. Please use the quick reference topics below to help answer any questions you may have in regards to attendance. Policies regarding attendance are described in detail under Wake County Board Policy 6000.Skipping Classes
The safety of our students is our highest priority, which is why skipping is considered a serious infraction. Parents, we need your help! Please discuss the seriousness of this issue with your student. We make every effort to monitor students. Students who choose to leave campus without permission or are otherwise unaccounted for, potentially put themselves at risk. This kind of behavior can lead to negative and unfortunate circumstances. Let your student know that this is unsafe and is unacceptable! Besides, it is difficult to be successful in school, if you are not at school.
Students are required to attend class daily and refrain from being in unauthorized locations throughout the school year. Any student who chooses not to attend class, walks off campus without permission, and/or signs in or out without permission will be considered skipping.Skipping is defined as being more than ten (10) minutes late for a class or activity without a valid reason or a note from school staff. Students who leave campus during lunch without a lunch pass or who leave campus without signing-out through the Attendance Office with parent permission or students who are found in an unauthorized area during Smart Lunch are also considered as skipping.Students who skip class and/or school are subject to any of the following disciplinary actions:
Conference with their grade level administrator and parent/Loss of Lunch Pass or Cell Phone Priveleges
Lunch DetentionAfter School Detention (ASD)In-School Suspension
Parent/Counselor Intervention ConferenceStudent may be required to spend time in the Alternative Learning CenterTardies
Students must be in their seats at the sound of the tardy bell for each period. When a student is late, students will report to the Discipline Office to get a tardy admit slip. If a student has a documented reason for being tardy, they should check in at the Main Office (not the discipline office) to receive an excused note to class.Leaving Early
Students who need to leave prior to the end of the school day must present a note from a parent/guardian to the Attendance Office. This note must include a date, time, the student's name, and the reason for leaving. Notes will be confirmed with a parent/guardian before the student is released. Additionally, notes must be dropped off at the Attendance Office prior to the start of the school day. To ensure student safety, parents/guardians are expected to come to the attendance office to sign their student out. When checking a student out, park in the designated attendance parking spaces in the front of the school.Leaving Early & Returning the Same Day
Students who return to school before the day is over must sign in at the Main Office. Otherwise, they are marked absent for the remainder of the school day. Additionally, please remember to sign out in the main office if leaving early.Absences
The first day you return, bring a note from a parent, doctor, etc. to the Attendance Office. Notes should clearly list the student's name, date(s) of absence, and the reason for being absent. Notes must be signed by a parent or legal guardian with a working phone number. All absences will be considered unexcused until an excuse note has been submitted. When students miss class, the automated phone system will call the phone number on file, to notify the parents of the absence.
Dress Code
In preparing for school each day, select clothing that supports an atmosphere conducive to learning. WCPSS Board Policy 6410 addresses the dress code in detail but here are a few reminders of what NOT to wear to Cary High School:
- Sagging Pants
- Head Coverings (not including religious attire)
- Excessively short or tight garments
- Attire that exposes cleavage
- Midriff shirts or halters
- Clothing with obscenities, profanity, lewd words or illustrations
- Clothing that advertises products or services unauthorized for minors or otherwise illegal
Students who are dressed inappropriately for school can be given the opportunity to change into school-issued clothing, if available, or have a parent bring a change of clothes. Disciplinary action can occur depending on the severity and frequency of the offense as outlined in the policy.