• Gifted and Talented Program Philosophy

    The gifted and talented magnet school program is founded on the belief that all students
    possess gifts and talents that need to be identified, nurtured, and rewarded.  It is the chinese elective responsibility of educators and parents to identify these gifts and talents and to provide an educational program that develops them.  Because the gifted and talented magnet school addresses the gifts and talents of all children, there are no performance measures, auditions or tests that need to be passed before a child is accepted into the school. Some children may have gifts and talents in one or two areas; others, in a wider variety of areas. The gifted and talented magnet school program is open to any child whose parents would like for him or her to participate.

    The philosophy of the gifted and talented magnet school is put into effect through the structure of the curriculum and through instructional techniques.  The curriculum design advocates a "choice" model for students and parents.  It provides them with options and alternatives for learning and is designed to accommodate varying types of gifts, talents, strengths, needs and interests.

    The gifted and talented magnet school curriculum is divided into two main components: Basics and Electives.


    All students receive instruction in four basic areas:  language arts, math, social studies and science.  Instruction in the basics component is planned to accomodate each child's skill level. The curriculum is delivered in the context of an eight-period day, with each period consisting of approximately 40 minutes. These periods are not distinguishable in kindergarten through second grades because basic courses are grouped together without interruption.  Students in grades K-2 change periods only during the time each day set aside for electives.  They are placed in self-contained classrooms with enrichment activities, art, music, physical education and library experiences being an integral part of their basics.


    robotics  Elective courses offer each student opportunities to  explore new areas of interest or to study a particular area  in depth. Electives may also provide avenues to tailor a  child's specific needs. In the elective portion of the  curriculum, courses are offered in the  following areas:  language arts, social studies, math,  science, technology,  health, physical education, world  language, visual arts,  performing arts (including: instrumental and  vocal music, dance, drama) and media. Our electives are highly motivational and give students the opportunity to study selected subjects. They are appropriate for any student willing to learn and be exposed to new situations. 

    AIG Selected Elective Courses:

    AIG selected electives are open to students with oustanding  strengths in one or more areas. Nomination for these courses  may be made in several ways.  All identified academically  gifted students may take AIG selected academic electives.   Others may be nominated by parents or teachers and screened for admission.