• Information vs. Communication

    We are committed to making a distinction between sharing information and communication. Sharing Information involves the distribution of information when a response is not necessary or expected. Communication is a 2-way exchange between the teacher/staff and the parent that results in a plan of action.

    Sharing Information

    Every teacher will:

    • Share information through parent letters, syllabus, handbooks, PowerSchool, newsletters, website, phone calls, emails, letters, report cards, interims, and the phone messenger system.
    • Send a parent letter that will include teacher contact information and a syllabus that contains grading policies, course and classroom expectations.
    • Distribute the parent letter during the first week of each semester to all students in each class or students on their case load.
    • Post grades in PowerSchool every week.
    • Maintain accurate attendance and tardy information in PowerSchool.
    • Send interims every 2 weeks on the designated dates.
    • Post/announce major assignments such as test and projects at least 1 week prior to the due date.
    • Report grades that only include achievement and will exclude student behavior.
    • Create and maintain an up-to-date teacher website that includes a calendar with assignment dates, test and project dates, policies, expectations, course requirements, and links to resources needed for class.


    Teachers/staff are expected to communicate (2-way exchange that results in a plan of action) with parents when:

    • At the midpoint of each quarter if a student’s numerical average is below a C (70) average.
    • A student has excessive absences and/or tardies in a class
    • A student’s classroom behavior results in a discipline referral
    • A student develops a pattern of low performance or a pattern of not completing assignments.

    Tips for Parents

    1.  Don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher with questions are concerns. If you don't get an immediate response, send a follow-up email or call the school and leave a message.
    2.  Expect challenges when transitioning to a new school or level. Teachers are prepared to assist students with the transition.
    3. Stay informed. Check your emails for weekly updates from the school and from teachers. Review the website reguarly and check the calendar for upcoming events.
    4. Monitor your child's grades and attendance through Powerschool.
    5. Assume the best!