Information vs. Communication
We are committed to making a distinction between sharing information and communication. Sharing Information involves the distribution of information when a response is not necessary or expected. Communication is a 2-way exchange between the teacher/staff and the parent that results in a plan of action.
Sharing Information
Every teacher will:
- Share information through parent letters, syllabus, handbooks, PowerSchool, newsletters, website, phone calls, emails, letters, report cards, interims, and the phone messenger system.
- Send a parent letter that will include teacher contact information and a syllabus that contains grading policies, course and classroom expectations.
- Distribute the parent letter during the first week of each semester to all students in each class or students on their case load.
- Post grades in PowerSchool every week.
- Maintain accurate attendance and tardy information in PowerSchool.
- Send interims every 2 weeks on the designated dates.
- Post/announce major assignments such as test and projects at least 1 week prior to the due date.
- Report grades that only include achievement and will exclude student behavior.
- Create and maintain an up-to-date teacher website that includes a calendar with assignment dates, test and project dates, policies, expectations, course requirements, and links to resources needed for class.
Teachers/staff are expected to communicate (2-way exchange that results in a plan of action) with parents when:
- At the midpoint of each quarter if a student’s numerical average is below a C (70) average.
- A student has excessive absences and/or tardies in a class
- A student’s classroom behavior results in a discipline referral
- A student develops a pattern of low performance or a pattern of not completing assignments.
Tips for Parents
- Don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher with questions are concerns. If you don't get an immediate response, send a follow-up email or call the school and leave a message.
- Expect challenges when transitioning to a new school or level. Teachers are prepared to assist students with the transition.
- Stay informed. Check your emails for weekly updates from the school and from teachers. Review the website reguarly and check the calendar for upcoming events.
- Monitor your child's grades and attendance through Powerschool.
- Assume the best!