Honor Code Matrix

  • WCPSS Honor Code Policy

    WCPSS Honor Code Policy (4310) states: “Academic honesty is essential to excellence in education and is  directly related to the Board's educational objectives for students to promote integrity and self-discipline in  students. As all schoolwork is a measure of student performance, academic honesty facilitates an accurate  measurement of student learning. 

    Each student, parent, family and staff member has a responsibility to promote a culture that respects and  fosters integrity and honesty. Academic integrity and honesty requires that all stakeholders share  responsibility in the fulfillment of this policy. 

    In fulfilling these responsibilities: 

    • students will collaborate with their peers to foster a culture of academic integrity; refrain from participating, either directly or indirectly, in any form of cheating or plagiarism; and adhere to the honor code; 
    • parents and family will actively support the honor code by encouraging their child(ren) to foster and uphold a culture of academic integrity;
    • staff will establish and annually teach expectations regarding academic integrity and honesty; and promote the honor code.
    1. Prohibited Behavior
    2. Cheating: Cheating is an academic deception where a student intends in some way to receive or attempt to receive credit for work not originated by the student, to give or receive unauthorized assistance, or to give or receive an unfair advantage on any form of academic work.
    3. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is using passages, materials, words, ideas, and/or thoughts of someone or something else and representing them as one's own original work without properly crediting the source. 
    4. Falsification or Deceit: Intentional acts of falsification or serious deceitful misconduct that threaten the health, safety, or welfare of others, or that cause a substantial detrimental impact on school operations or other individuals are prohibited.