Academic Policies

  • Homework, Classwork, & Assessments


    • If a student received a failing grade for Quarter 1 (or Quarter 3) and then passes Quarter 2 (or Quarter 4), the grade for Q1 (or Q3) will be raised to a grade no lower than a 50.
    • Make up work will not be allowed once a quarter closes unless extenuating circumstances have been approved by administration and then an Incomplete will be given for the Quarter. All Incompletes must be cleared up by the date given for that quarter.
    • Work can be made up for full credit for all absences provided the student attends a remediation session for unexcused absences to complete the assignment. A remediation session should be Pride Time or Smart Lunch unless an alternative time is arranged by the teacher.
    • In order to support the WCPSS Board Policy #5510 and #55101.1 pertaining to homework, Wakefield High School’s homework plan can be found on the school website and in the handbook. 
    • PLTs will develop guidelines through ongoing discussions for group projects and partner work which consider the use of rubrics, assigning of groups, and meaningful learning goals of the assignment.
    • When work is assigned over break, teachers will give students time to complete the assignment either prior to or following the break. Students will be notified of the assignment in advance so that students may choose to structure their time accordingly.
    • Students who score below a 70 on a test may retest for a maximum score of 70 within one week or two SMART lunches after the score has been provided to the student. Students must attend remediation before the retest is given. Test corrections may only be used as a remediation strategy. Grades may not be assigned to test corrections.
    • No grade can be attached to any task, including extra credit work, unless it supplies evidence of achievement of a learning target. (i.e. Bringing in an extra copy of a novel for extra points; donations; community service; bringing back interims or report cards signed; bathroom passes…all of these are items that cannot have a grade attached to them in any fashion.)



    Honor Code:

    The students of Wakefield High School are committed to being honest and responsible in the completion of academic materials and interactions with the school administration and community. Cheating, stealing, plagiarism (passing off another's work, words, or ideas as one's own), and lying (including willful distortion or misrepresentation) are considered violations of the Honor Code. Through a joint fulfillment of this code, students and faculty will achieve their fullest potential in academic excellence and character. 

    Cheating falls under the School Board’s policy addressing integrity. It is defined as: the giving or receiving of unauthorized class work or homework, copying work and turning it in as one’s own, or using unauthorized aids on tests and quizzes. Major cheating is cheating on a major assessment such as a mid-term test or project. Minor cheating is cheating on homework, in-class work, and the like. Teachers have discretion in determining the level of cheating as it relates to the assignment or assessment. Academic consequences are determined by the PLT; discipline is assigned by administration. 


    Late Work: 

    Late Work due to an excused absence will follow the WCPSS make up work policy: Assignments assigned prior to an absence will be due upon return; this includes tests scheduled for the day of the return. 

    If the make-up work has not been assigned in advance, for absences of 1 to 3 days, the student will have a minimum of 1 day for each absence to complete missed assignments. For absences exceeding 3 days, the student will have a minimum of 2 days for each absence to complete assignments. Students will receive full credit for all make-up work following an excused or unexcused absence as long as the work is completed within the time limit according to teacher expectations and for unexcused absences as long as remediation has been attended to complete the assignment. Special consideration should be given in the case of extended absences due to injury or chronic illness.