Student Expectations

  • A school climate conducive to serious study and respect for oneself, others, and property is essential to meet the needs of youth. Each school principal has the authority and responsibility to take whatever reasonable and legal action is necessary to establish and maintain appropriate student behavior.

    Consent for Technology and Digital Resource Use Form
    Students it is imperative that you turn in the Consent for Technology and Digital Resource Use form. If a student does not turn in this form or the parent chooses “Deny” students will not be able to use any school computers, take any computer based classes including NCVPS or GradPoint and they will not be allowed to have a PowerSchool account. Forms should be turned into your first period teacher as soon as possible.
    To ensure an optimal learning environment, we are implementing a new policy regarding cell phones in the classroom. Students who bring cell phones to class will be required to turn them in at the beginning of each period. The phones will either be stored in designated phone pockets in the classroom or kept in students' book bags at the front of the room.
    The only exception to this policy will be for students who require their cell phones for medical conditions that are monitored by an app, or in cases when a phone is used directly in an instructional activity (a particular learing app).
    Cell phones have proven to be a significant distraction in the classroom, and this policy is designed to help keep students fully engaged and focused on their studies.
    All students are responsible for complying with and are expected to be familiar with the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct and school board policies governing student behavior and conduct. All Code of Conduct policies are contained in the WCPSS Student/Parent Handbook, which is distributed at the beginning of each school year or upon enrollment in the WCPSS. If there is a conflict between the
    rules expressed in the school handbook and the Code of Student Conduct policies, the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct policies shall take precedence.

    We believe that teachers have the right to teach and students have the right to learn. Every student has the right to be free from distractions and harm caused by inappropriate behavior in the classroom. Wakefield’s Discipline Program focuses on helping students develop self-discipline and on creating the best learning environment for all. Administration reserves the right to modify consequences for inappropriate behavior based on student need.
    • Tardy Policy and Start on Time

    Students are expected to be in class on time.  Doors are shut / locked at the time class starts and can enter only with a "Start On Time" Pass that students can get from a sweeper in the hallway.  Tardies are cumulative and student receive detention after the 3rd tardy, 6th tardy.  For the 9th tardy they are assigned ISS and parent is contacted.  Beyond the 12th tardy admin referral and possible suspension will be considered.


    WCPSS Honor Code Policy (4310) states: “Academic honesty is essential to excellence in education and is  directly related to the Board's educational objectives for students to promote integrity and self-discipline in  students. As all schoolwork is a measure of student performance, academic honesty facilitates an accurate  measurement of student learning. 

    Each student, parent, family and staff member has a responsibility to promote a culture that respects and  fosters integrity and honesty. Academic integrity and honesty requires that all stakeholders share  responsibility in the fulfillment of this policy. 

    In fulfilling these responsibilities: 

    • students will collaborate with their peers to foster a culture of academic integrity; refrain from participating, either directly or indirectly, in any form of cheating or plagiarism; and adhere to the honor code; 
    • parents and family will actively support the honor code by encouraging their child(ren) to foster and uphold a culture of academic integrity;
    • staff will establish and annually teach expectations regarding academic integrity and honesty; and promote the honor code.
    1. Prohibited Behavior
    2. Cheating: Cheating is an academic deception where a student intends in some way to receive or attempt to receive credit for work not originated by the student, to give or receive unauthorized assistance, or to give or receive an unfair advantage on any form of academic work.
    3. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is using passages, materials, words, ideas, and/or thoughts of someone or something else and representing them as one's own original work without properly crediting the source. 
    4. Falsification or Deceit: Intentional acts of falsification or serious deceitful misconduct that threaten the health, safety, or welfare of others, or that cause a substantial detrimental impact on school operations or other individuals are prohibited.

    See HONOR CODE MATRIX (graphic) PDF


    Late Work

    Late Work due to an excused absence will follow the WCPSS make up work policy: Assignments assigned prior to an absence will be due upon return; this includes tests scheduled for the day of the return. 

    If the make-up work has not been assigned in advance, for absences of 1 to 3 days, the student will have a minimum of 1 day for each absence to complete missed assignments. For absences exceeding 3 days, the student will have a minimum of 2 days for each absence to complete assignments. Students will receive full credit for all make-up work following an excused or unexcused absence as long as the work is completed within the time limit according to teacher expectations and for unexcused absences as long as remediation has been attended to complete the assignment.  Special consideration should be given in the case of extended absences due to injury or chronic illness.

    Academic Courses

    All students receiving academic credit for a course have the opportunity to recover grades through completing alternative assignments to demonstrate mastery, turning in missing work, and/or completing retests. Students will earn a minimum of 70% of the grade they would have received if turned in on time. Work that is submitted on time and meets the minimal completion requirements will receive a score no less than 50%. Teachers do not have to accept late work after one week prior to the beginning of the exam period for the grading term (Midterms – 1st and 3rd Quarter / Finals – 2nd and 4th Quarter).

    Honors Courses

    All students receiving honors credit for a course have the opportunity to recover grades through completing alternative assignments to demonstrate mastery, turning in missing work, and/or completing retests. Students will earn a minimum of 60% of the grade they would have received if turned in on time. Work that is submitted on time and meets the minimal completion requirements will receive a score no less than 50%. Late work is due by the end of the unit or the day of the unit assessment and does not need to be accepted by the teacher after this time.

    AP Courses

    For late work in AP courses, students will earn a minimum of 60% of the grade they would have received if turned in on time.  Teachers do not have to accept late work beyond 1 week after the initial due date.