Students walking
  • About student email

    Email accounts are provided for students to use to communicate with their teachers.
    • Elementary students: Email accounts are created for elementary students upon request from a student's principal.
    • Middle and high school students: Email accounts are automatically created for all middle school and high school students at the beginning of the year. Students will receive their account and login information from the school staff member designated to handle student email requests. 


    Guidelines for email use

    When using email, students must observe guidelines and prohibited uses outlined in the Technology Responsible Use Policy (Board Policy 3225/4312/7320 and 3225/4312/7320-R&P Student Responsible Use Policy).


    Frequently asked questions

    Need help? Check to see if your question has been addressed in the following information: 

  • Where do I go to check my email?

  • I am locked out of my account. Can I reset my password?

  • I am having other problems logging in.

  • What if I need help checking my email on a personal device?

  • What if my parent does not want you to have a WCPSS email address?

Check your WCPSS email

Log in to the WakeID Portal at to check your student email.